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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)Chapter IV : Compensation for occupational injuries30. Mutual associations |
(1) | The Minister may, for such period and subject to such conditions as he may determine, issue a licence to carry on the business of insurance of employers against their liabilities to employees in terms of this Act to a mutual association which was licensed on the date of commencement of this Act in terms of section 95(1) of the Workmen's Compensation Act: Provided that the Minister may, from time to time, order that, in addition to any securities deposited in terms of the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act No. 27 of 1943), and the Workmen's Compensation Act, securities considered by the Director-General to be sufficient to cover the liabilities of the mutual association in terms of this Act be deposited with the Director-General or his or her nominee. |
[Proviso to section 30(1) substituted by section 11(a) of Act No. 61 of 1997]
(2) | Subject to the provisions of subsection (4), a security so deposited shall be used solely for making good the default of the association concerned in respect of any liability of an employer in terms of this Act, and for payment of any expenses lawfully incurred in connection with such making good or the enforcement of such liability. |
(3) | The Minister may from time to time determine the conditions upon which, the manner in which and the period within which any such security shall be made available to a person entitled to payment therefrom. |
(4) | If the Minister is satisfied that the whole or any portion of such security is no longer necessary and that the association concerned is not in a position to incur a liability payable therefrom, he shall cause such security, or portion thereof, to be returned to such association. |
(5) | If an association has deposited with the Director-General or his or her nominee any such security and thereafter fails to meet in full any of its liabilities in terms of this Act, or is placed in liquidation, then, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, such security shall vest in the Director-General for the purpose of the liabilities of the association in terms of this Act. |
[Section 30(5) substituted by section 11(b) of Act No. 61 of 1997]
(6) | If at any time the Minister is satisfied that a mutual association has failed to comply with any of the conditions imposed by him or her under subsection (1), he or she may suspend or withdraw the licence issued to that association under the said subsection. |
[Section 30(6) substituted by section 11(b) of Act No. 61 of 1997]