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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)Circular InstructionsCircular Instruction No. 172 - Compensation for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)3. Impairment |
Impairment shall be assessed on the strength of the Final Medical Report. The Compensation Commissioner shall, whenever she deems it fit, constitute a panel made up of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and when necessary, occupational therapists, with a view to assess impairment of the employee. An employee who claims compensation shall when so required, after reasonable notice, submit himself at the time and place mentioned in the notice to an examination by the panel. The Compensation Commissioner shall determine the disability in consultation with the said panel whenever deemed necessary. The guide to the percentage permanent disablement shall be based on percentage as guided by Schedule 2 of the COID Act and the degree of impairment and disablement according to psychiatric scales. The impairment will be evaluated using the following:
• | Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment (SOFAS), and |
• | Global Assessment Functioning (GAF) Scale, and |
• | South African Society of Psychiatrists Management of Disability Claims on Psychiatric Grounds Second Edition (SASOP Guidelines). |