R 385
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)Scale of FeesAnnual Increase in Medical Tariffs for Medical Service Providers - 2020DoctorsPart lll : Procedures14. Nervous System |
Specialist |
General Practitioner |
Anaesthetic |
U |
R |
U |
R |
U |
R T/M |
14.1 |
Diagnostic procedures |
2709 |
Full spinogram including bilateral median and posterior-tibial studies |
140 |
3 766.00 |
2711 |
Electro- encephalogram (EEG): 20-40 minutes record:Equipment cost for taking of record (Technical component)(refer to item 2712 for interpretation and report) |
105.60 |
2 840.64 |
105.60 |
2 840.64 |
2712 |
Clinical interpretation and report of item 2711: Electroencephalogram (EEG): 20-40 minutes record (Professional component) |
16.60 |
446.54 |
16.60 |
446.54 |
2713 |
Spinal (lumbar) puncture. For diagnosis, for drainage of spinal fluid or for therapeutic indications |
18.4 |
494.96 |
18.4 |
494.96 |
2714 |
Cisternal or lateral cervical (C1-C2) puncture: Without injection - stand -alone procedure |
32 |
860.80 |
32 |
860.80 |
2717 |
Electromyography: First [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 0713 |
2718 |
Electromyography: Subsequent [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 0713] |
75 |
2 017.50 |
75 |
2 017.50 |
2725 |
Angiograply carotis: Unilateral [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 1245 |
2726 |
Angiography carotis: Bilateral [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 1245 |
2727 |
Vertebral artery: Direct needling [Discontinued 2020] Obsolete procedure |
2729 |
Vertebral catheterisation [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 1245 |
2731 |
Air encephalography and posterior fossa tomography: Injection of air (independent procedure) [Discontinued 2020] Refer to item 2714 |
2737 |
Air encephalography and posterior fossa tomography: Visual field charting on Bjerrum Screen |
7 |
188.30 |
7 |
188.30 |
2739 |
Ventricular needling without burring: Tapping only |
16 |
430.40 |
16 |
430.40 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2741 |
Ventricular needling without burring: Plus introduction of air and/or contrast dye for ventriculography |
43 |
1 156.70 |
43 |
1 156.70 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2743 |
Subdural tapping: First sitting |
15 |
403.50 |
15 |
403.50 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2745 |
Subdural tapping: Subsequent |
10 |
269.00 |
10 |
269.00 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
14.2 |
Introduction of burr holes for |
2747 |
Burr hole(s): Ventricular puncture, Includes injection of gas, contrast media, dye or radioactive material |
223.80 |
6 020.22 |
179.04 |
4 816.18 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
2749 |
Catheterisation for ventriculography and/or drainage |
150 |
4 035.00 |
120 |
3 228.00 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
2753 |
Burr hole(s). Includes evacuation and/or drainage of haematoma: Extradural or subdural |
379.40 |
10 205.86 |
303.52 |
8 164.69 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
2755 |
Burr hole(s): Includes aspiration of haematoma or cyst, intracerebral (total procedure) |
369.90 |
9 950.31 |
295.92 |
7 960.25 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
2757 |
Burr hole(s) or trephine: Includes drainage of brain abscess or cyst (total procedure) |
402.80 |
10 835.32 |
322.24 |
8 668.26 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
14.3 |
Nerve procedures |
2765 |
Nerve conduction studies (see items 0733 and 3285) |
26 |
699.40 |
26 |
699.40 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
14.3.1 |
Nerve repair of suture |
2767 |
Suture Brachial Plexos (see also items 2837 and 2839) |
379 |
10 195.10 |
303.20 |
8 156.08 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2769 |
Suture: Large nerve: Primary |
297.70 |
8 008.13 |
238.16 |
6 406.50 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2771 |
Suture: Large nerve: Secondary |
202 |
5 433.80 |
161.60 |
4 347.04 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2773 |
Suture: Digital nerve: Primary |
199 |
5 353.10 |
159.20 |
4 282.48 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2775 |
Suture: Digital nerve: Secondary |
96 |
2 582.40 |
96 |
2 582.40 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2777 |
Nerve graft: Simple |
309 |
8 312.10 |
247.20 |
6 649.68 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2779 |
Fascicular: First fasciculus |
202 |
5 433.80 |
161.6 |
4 347.04 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2781 |
Fascicular: Each additional fasciculus |
50 |
1 345.00 |
50 |
1 345.00 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2783 |
Fascicular: Nerve flap: To include all stages |
224 |
6 025.60 |
179.2 |
4 820.48 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2787 |
Fascicular: Grafting of facial nerve |
215 |
5 783.50 |
172 |
4 626.80 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
14.3.2 |
Neurectomy |
2795 |
Procedures for pain relief: Paravertebral facet joint nerve: Destruction by neurolytic agent, lumbar spine/sacral, one level (unilateral or bilateral) |
45.4 |
1 221.26 |
45.4 |
1 221.26 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2796 |
Procedures for pain relief: Paravertebral facet joint nerve: Destruction by neurolytic agent, lumbar spine/sacral, each additional level each additional level (unilateral or bilateral) |
+ 16.3 |
438.47 |
16.3 |
438.47 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2797 |
Procedures for pain relef: Paravertebral facet joint nerve: Destruction by neurolytic agent, cervica/thoracic, one level (unilateral or bilateral) |
44 |
1 183.60 |
44 |
1 183.60 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2798 |
Procedures for pain relief: Paravertebral facet joint nerve: Destruction by neurolytic agent, cervica/thoracic, each additional level (unilateral or bilateral) |
+ 15 |
403.50 |
15 |
403.50 |
5 |
628.45 +T |
2799 |
Intrathecal injections for pain |
36 |
968.40 |
36 |
968.40 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2800 |
Plexus nerve block - as part of treatment refer to annexure C on the back of this gazette (motivation to be supplied by treating doctor) |
36 |
968.40 |
36 |
968.40 |
Fees as for specialist |
2801 |
Epidural injection, plexus nerve block or peripheral nerve block for pain refer to annexure C on the back of this gazette, motivation to be supplied by treating doctor (see modifier 0045 for post-operative pain relief) (refer to modifier 0021 for epidural anaesthetic) |
36 |
968.40 |
36 |
968.40 |
Fees as for specialist |
2802 |
Peripheral nerve block - as part of treatment (motivation to be supplied) |
25 |
672.50 |
25 |
672.50 |
Fees as for specialist |
2803 |
Alcohol injection in peripheral nerves for pain: Unilateral |
20 |
538.00 |
20 |
538.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2804 |
Inserting an indwelling nerve catheter (includes removal of catheter) (not for bolus technique) To be used only with items 2799, 2800, 2801 or 2802 |
+ 10 |
269.00 |
10 |
269.00 |
Fees as for specialist |
2805 |
Alcohol injection in peripheral nerves for pain: Bilateral |
35 |
941.50 |
35 |
941.50 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2809 |
Peripheral nerve section for pain |
45 |
1 210.50 |
45 |
1 210.50 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2815 |
Excision interdigital neuroma - Morton |
82.3 |
2 213.87 |
82.3 |
2 213.87 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2825 |
Excision: Neuroma: Peripheral |
213 |
5 729.70 |
170.40 |
4 583.76 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
14.3.3 |
Other nerve procedures |
2827 |
Transposition of ulnar nerve |
170 |
4 573.00 |
136 |
3 658.40 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2829 |
Neurolysis: Minor |
51 |
1 371.90 |
51 |
1 371.90 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2831 |
Neurolysis: Major |
141 |
3 792.90 |
120 |
3 228.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2833 |
Neurolysis: Digital |
141 |
3 792.90 |
120 |
3 228.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2835 |
Scalenotomy |
132 |
3 550.80 |
120 |
3 228.00 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2837 |
Brachial plexus, suture or neurolysis (item 2767) |
300 |
8 070.00 |
240 |
6 456.00 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2839 |
Total brachial plexus exposure with graft, neurolysis and transplantation |
895.2 |
24 080.88 |
716.16 |
19 264.70 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2841 |
Carpal Tunnel [Discontinued 2020], refer to item 0782 |
2843 |
Lumbar sympathectomy: Unilateral |
153 |
4 115.70 |
122.4 |
3 292.56 |
4 |
502.76 +T |
2845 |
Lumbar sympathectomy: Bilateral |
268 |
7 209.20 |
214.4 |
5 767.36 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2849 |
Sympathetic block Other levels: Unilateral |
20 |
538.00 |
20 |
538.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2851 |
Sympathetic block: Other levels: Bilateral |
35 |
941.50 |
35 |
941.50 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
14.4 |
Skull procedures |
2855 |
Craniectcomy: Includes excision of tumour or other bone lesion of skull (total procdure) |
396 |
10 652.40 |
317.20 |
8 532.68 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2859 |
Depressed skull fracture: Elevation of fracture, compound or comminuted, extradural (total procedure) |
377.90 |
10 165.51 |
302.32 |
8 132.41 |
9 |
1 131.21 +T |
2860 |
Depressed skull fracture: Elevation of fracture, simple, extradural (total procedure) |
307.10 |
8 260.99 |
245.68 |
6 608. 79 |
9 |
1 131.21 +T |
2861 |
Repair of depressed fracture of skull: With brain lacerations: Small [Discontinued 2020], Refer to item 2862 |
2862 |
Depressed skull fracture: Elevation of fracture with repair of dura and/or debridement of brain (total procedure) |
455.10 |
12 242.19 |
364.08 |
9 793.75 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2863 |
Cranioplasty: Skull defect = <5 cm diameter: With/without prosthesis |
309.10 |
8 314.79 |
247.28 |
6 651.83 |
9 |
1 131.21 +T |
2875 |
Theco-peritorteal C.S.F. shunt |
280 |
7 532.00 |
224 |
6 025.60 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
14.6 |
Aneurysm repair |
2876 |
Repair of aneurysm or arterior-venous anomalies (intracranial) |
700 |
18 830.00 |
560 |
15 064.00 |
15 |
1 885.35 +T |
14.7 |
Posterior fossa surgery |
2879 |
Glosso-pharyngeal nerve |
480 |
12 912.00 |
384 |
10 329.60 |
6 |
754.14 +T |
2881 |
Eighth nerve: Intracranial |
480 |
12 912.00 |
384 |
10 329.60 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
2887 |
Eighth nerve: Vestibular nerve |
480 |
12 912.00 |
384 |
10 329.60 |
9 |
1 131.21 +T |
14.7.1 |
Supratentorial procedures |
2891 |
Craniectomy for excision of brain tumour: Infratentorial or posterior fossa for excision of brain tumour. Excludes meningioma, cerebellopontine angle tumour or midline tumour at base of skull |
819 |
22 031.10 |
655.76 |
17 639.94 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
2893 |
Craniectomy for excision of brain abscess: Infratentorial or posterior fossa for excision of brain tumour |
648.30 |
17 439.27 |
518.64 |
13 951.42 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
2899 |
Craniectomy for extra-dural haematoma or empyema |
375 |
10 087.50 |
300 |
8 070.00 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
14.8 |
Craniotomy for |
6085 |
Craniectomy/craniotomy: With exploration of the infratentorial area (below the tentorium of the cerebellum), posterior fossa (total procedure) |
596.40 |
16 043.16 |
411.12 |
11 059.13 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
6086 |
Craniectomy/craniotomy: With evacuation of infratentorial, intracerebellar haematoma (total procedure) |
614.30 |
16 524.67 |
491.44 |
13 219.74 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
6087 |
Craniectomy/craniotomy: With drainage of intracranial abscess in the infratentorial region with suction and irrigating the area while monitoring for haemorrhage (total procedure) |
631.80 |
16 995.42 |
505.44 |
13 596.34 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
6088 |
Cranial decompression caused by excess fluid (e.g. blood and pathological tissue), using posterior fossa approach by drilling/sawing through the occipital bone (total procedure) |
605.10 |
16 277.19 |
484.08 |
13 021.75 |
13 |
1 633.97 +T |
6090 |
Craniectomy at base of skull (suboccipitat): With freeing and section of one or more cranial nerves (total procedure) |
624 |
16 785.60 |
499.20 |
13 428.48 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2900 |
Extra-dural orbital decompression |
700 |
18 830.00 |
560 |
15 064.00 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2903 |
Abscess, glioma |
450 |
12 105.00 |
360 |
9 684.00 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2904 |
Craniectomy/craniotomy: With evacuation of supratentiorial, intracerebral haematoma |
590.20 |
15 87.38 |
472.16 |
12 701.10 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2905 |
Craniotomy with elevation of bone flap: Excision of epileptogenic focus without electrocorticography during surgery |
489 |
13 154.10 |
391.20 |
10 523.28 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2906 |
Craniotomy: Skull based repair of encephalocele (total procedure) |
493.50 |
13 275.15 |
394.80 |
10 620.12 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
2909 |
CSF-leaks |
450 |
12 105.00 |
360 |
9 684.00 |
11 |
1 382.59 +T |
14.8.1 |
Stereo-tactic cerebral and spinal cord procedures |
2918 |
(code moved to consultation section) |
14.9 |
Spinal operations |
2923 |
Chordotomy: Unilateral |
178 |
4 788.20 |
142.4 |
3 830.56 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
2925 |
Chordotomy: Open |
350 |
9 415.00 |
280 |
7 532.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
2927 |
Rhizotomy: Extradural, but intraspinal |
320 |
8 608.00 |
256 |
6 886.40 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
2928 |
Rhizotomy: Intradural |
350 |
9 415.00 |
280 |
7 532.00 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
2940 |
Lumbar osteophyte removal |
187 |
5 030.30 |
149.6 |
4 024.24 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
2941 |
Cervical or thoracic osteophyte removal |
285 |
7 666.50 |
228 |
6 133.20 |
3 |
377.07 +T+M |
14.10 |
Arterial ligations |
2951 |
Carotis: Trauma |
120 |
3 228.00 |
120 |
3 228.00 |
8 |
1 005.52 +T |
14.11 |
Medical Psychotherapy |
2957 |
Individual psychotherapy (specific psychotherapy with approved evidence based method) - per short session (10-20 minutes) |
20 |
538.00 |
16 |
430.40 |
2974 |
Individual psychotherapy (specific psychotherapy with approved evidence based method) - per intermediate session (21-40 minutes) |
40 |
1 076.00 |
32 |
860.80 |
2975 |
Individual psychotherapy (specific psychotherapy with approved evidence based method) - per extended session (41 minutes or longer) |
60 |
1 614.00 |
48 |
1 291.20 |
2958 |
DELETED 2009: Psychoanalytic therapy - per 60 minute session |
14.12 |
Physical treatment methods |
2970 |
Electro-convulsive treatment (ECT) - each time (see rule (Va) |
17 |
457.30 |
17 |
457.30 |
3 |
377.07 +T |
2971 |
Intravenous anti-depressive medication through infusion - per push in (maximum 1 push in per 24 hours) [Discontinued] Refer to item 0206 |
14.13 |
Psychiatric examination methods |
2972 |
Narco-analysis (maximum of 3 sessions per treatment) - per session |
24 |
645.60 |
2973 |
Psychometry by Psychiatrist (specify examination) - per session (maximum of 3 sessions per examination) |
24 |
645.60 |