R 385
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)Scale of FeesAnnual Increase in Medical Tariffs for Medical Service Providers - 2018SpecialistsAnnexuresAnnexure A : MRI Motivation Form for Employee's Injured on Duty |
Annexure A
The Department of Labour: Compensation Fund
MRI Motivation Form for Employee's Injured on Duty |
Claim Number: |
Employee's Name: |
Employees ID No: |
Name of Employer: |
Date of Accident /Injury: |
Type of injury: |
Brief description of how injury occurred: |
Previous clinic / imaging investigations done, and dates: |
Imaging investigation required: |
Motivation/Clinical indications for the investigation: |
Requesting Doctors Name: |
Practice Number: |
Date of Referral |
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