Acts Online
GT Shield

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)

Scale of Fees

Annual Increase in Medical Tariffs for Medical Service Providers - 2024

Prosthetic and Orthotics Gazette 2024

Prosthetics Tariff of Fees as from 1 April 2024 (Practice 87 & 90)






Locking liner

Interface which acts between the residual limb and socket where the liner has a distal pin attachment area

Suction liner

Interface which acts between the residual limb and socket where the liner incorporates a seal off area which creates suction suspension

Cushion liner

Interface which acts between the residual limb and socket, This is worn in conjunction with a knee sleeve

Knee sleeve

Sleeve worn over the prosthetic socket to create a seal between residual limb and prosthetic socket

Hybrid liner

Liner incorporating locking and suction suspension in one

Adjustable suction (includes ring and liner)

Suction liner which has the ability to adjust the area of suction depending on residual limb volume fluctuations

Distal volume cup

Item used for conical and/or sensitive residual limbs requiring volume build-up