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Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993)

Circular Instructions

Circular Instruction No. 171 - Determination of Permanent Disablement resulting from Exposure to Excessive Noise and Trauma in Industry

5. Calculation of Permanent Disablement


5.1 The better of the two diagnostic audiograms will be used: Ensure that all documentation (4) is present and correct.


5.2 Calculate (from PLH tables - Annexure A) a PLH for each of the following frequencies: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz (Air conduction results to be taken except if specified otherwise by the medical officer).


5.3 Sum the values for each frequency to obtain the PLH.


5.4 If a baseline PLH is available this value is subtracted from the PLH obtained from 5.3.


5.5 If a baseline PLH is unavailable the PLH in 5.3 is taken as the value from which permanent disability will be calculated.
5.6 Permanent Disablement is calculated by halving the value of the PLH obtained in either: 5.4 (if a baseline PLH is available) or 5.5 (if a baseline PLH is unavailable).