R 385
Competition Act, 1998 (Act No. 89 of 1998)Competition Tribunal RulesPart 4 - Tribunal ProceduresDivision E - Other Appeals, Reviews, Variations, or Enforcement Proceedings42. Initiating other proceedings |
1) | Any proceedings not otherwise provided for in these Rules may be initiated only by filing a Notice of Motion in Form CT 6 and supporting affidavit setting out the facts on which the application is based. |
2) | The applicant must serve a copy of the Notice of Motion and affidavit on each respondent named in the Notice, within 5 business days after filing it. |
3) | A Notice of Motion in terms of this Rule must— |
a) | depending on the context— |
i) | set out the Commission's decision that is being appealed or reviewed; |
ii) | set out the decision of the Tribunal that the applicant seeks to have varied or rescinded; |
iii) | set out the Tribunal Rule in respect of which the applicant seeks condonation; or |
iv) | allege conduct referred to in— |
aa) | section 61(1)(c) in respect of which the Commission seeks an administrative fine; or |
bb) | section 62(1) in respect of which the Commission seeks an order of divestiture; |
b) | indicate the order sought; |
c) | state the name and address of each person in respect of whom an order is sought. |