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Competition Act, 1998 (Act No. 89 of 1998)NoticesNotice in terms of Section 10(7) of the Competition Act, 1998 (As Amended): Day Hospital Associaiton - Conditional Exemption GrantedAnnexures1. Preamble |
The conditions below only apply for the purpose and duration of the Exemption. The Exemption is in respect of a collective agreement between the members of the DHA and individual medical schemes and administrators, as well as agreements that result from the collective bargaining process, and agreements relating to centralised procurement and Alternative Reimbursement Models.
The DHA has requested an exemption in terms of section 4(1)(b)(i) of the Competition Act for a period of five (5) years. The exemption permits the DHA to engage in the following activities on behalf of its members with medical aid schemes and/or medical scheme administrators:
1.1. | The members of the DHA shall agree to collectively implement the prices negotiated and agreed on their behalf by the DHA, with medical schemes and medical scheme administrators. |
1.2. | Engage in centralised procurement through a request for proposal to suppliers for the procedure related surgical cost basket in exchange for participation on the preferred provider list. |
1.3. | Engage in global fee / bundled fee negotiations with medical schemes, medical scheme administrators and the State. |