Acts Online
GT Shield

Competition Act, 1998 (Act No. 89 of 1998)


Block Exemption Regulations for Small, Micro and Medium-Sized Businesses, 2024

20 - 23. Monitoring


20. The firms which have obtained approval in terms of sub-regulation 11 .1 must notify the Commission and the dtic of the agreement or practice within 30 business days of implementation.
20.1. Notification to the Commission should be sent to [email protected].
20.2. Notification to the dtic should be sent to [email protected].


21. The firms which have obtained approval in terms of sub-regulation 11 .1 must keep minutes of meetings held and written records of any agreements or practices falling within the scope of the exemptions set out in these Regulations.


22. The Commission may, at any time, request minutes of meetings and written records contemplated in regulation 19.


23. The firms which have obtained approval in terms of sub-regulation 11 .1 shall comply with the Commission's request for information within 30 days.