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Competition Act, 1998 (Act No. 89 of 1998)

Chapter 5 : Investigation and Adjudication Procedures

Part C : Complaint procedures

51. Referral to Competition Tribunal


(1) If the Competition Commission issues a notice of non-referral in response to a complaint, the complainant may refer the complaint directly to the Competition Tribunal, subject to its rules of procedure.


(2) A referral to the Competition Tribunal, whether by the Competition Commission in terms of section 50(1) or by a complainant in terms of subsection (1), must be in the prescribed form.


(3) The Chairperson of the Competition Tribunal must, by notice in the Gazette, publish each referral made to the Tribunal.


(4) The notice published in terms of subsection (3) must include—
(a) the name of the respondent; and
(b) the nature of the conduct that is the subject of the referral.


[Section 51 substituted by section 15 of Notice No. 1354, GG 21880, dated 13 December 2000]