Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983)RegulationsSoil Conservation Scheme18. Conditions on which subsidies are paid |
(1) | The payment of a subsidy in terms of this scheme in respect of the construction of soil conservation work is made on the following conditions: |
(a) | The soil conservation work concerned shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of section 12(1)(a) of the Act. |
(b) | The farming practices pursued on the farm unit which the soil conservation work concerned has been constructed shall comply with the provisions of the farm plan for that farm unit. |
(c) | The number of animals kept on the veld of the farm unit on which the soil conservation work concerned has been constructed shall not exceed the number that may be kept thereon in terms of the Act. |
(2) | If the owner of a farm unit refuses or fails to comply with any of the conditions set out in subsection (1), the executive officer shall direct the owner concerned to repay to the executive officer the subsidies paid to him in terms of this scheme in respect of the construction of soil conservation works. |
(3) | An amount repayable in terms of subsection (2) shall be paid to the executive officer within 60 days of the date on which he directed the repayment thereof in writing. |
(4) | If the owner of a farm unit fails to pay the amount repayable by him in terms of subsection (2) within the period referred to in subsection (3), interest shall be payable on the amount due at a rate equal to the rate determined in terms of section 26(1) of the Exchequer and Audit Act, 1975 (Act 66 of 1975), that was applicable on the date on which the executive officer directed the repayment concerned in writing. |