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Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Notice No. 883 of 1983
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Objects of Act
4. Executive officer and authorized person
5. Prohibition of the spreading of weeds
6. Control measures
7. Directions
8. Schemes
9. Provisions of schemes
10. Rendering of advice
11. Minister may perform certain acts
12. Maintenance of soil conservation works ...
13. Minister may order payment of certain ...
14. Expropriation of land for purposes of ...
15. Conservation committees
16. Regional conservation committees
17. Conservation Advisory Board
18. Powers of investigation
19. Erection and maintenance of beacons ...
20. Powers of executive officer
21. Appeal against decisions or action
22. Secrecy
23. Penalties
24. Presumptions and evidence
25. Liability of employer or principal
26. Delegation of powers of Minister
27. Defects in form
28. Limitation of liability
29. Regulations
30. Repeal of laws
31. Short title and commencement
Schedule : Laws Repealed
Soil Conservation Scheme
Notice No. R. 1047 of 1984
1. Definitions
2. Name of scheme
3. Objects of scheme
4. Application of scheme
5. Acts in respect of which subsidies may be paid
6. Classification of soil conservation works
7. Basis for the determination of subsidies
8. Requirements for payment of subsidies
9. Application for participation in scheme
10. Entry of farm units
11. Farm plans
12. Consent to construct soil conservation works
13. Notices of completion of construction
14. Extension of validity of consents
15. Statements and reports on construction of soil conservation works
16. Payment of subsidies
17. Erroneous payments
18. Conditions on which subsidies are paid
19. Commencement
Tables : Subsidy Tariffs for Soil Conservation Works - 100% Value
Table 1 : Fences
Table 2 : Contour banks and storm water furrows
Table 3 : Waterways grassed
Table 4 : New pipes, Low Density Polyethylene pipes, bearing SABS mark, for stock watering
Table 5 : New pipes, High Density Polyethylene pipes, bearing SABS mark, for stock watering
Table 6 : New pipes, Galvanised and black steel pipes with screw and socket joints, for stock watering
Table 7 : New pipes, UPVC Household and irrigation pipe with SABS mark
Table 8 : New pipes, Ultraflow MPVC pressure pipes (with no recycled materials included)
Table 9 : New pipes: Drainage pipes
Table 10 : Construction of drainage works
Table 11 : Drainage works
Table 12 : Cleaning and flushing of subsurface drainage pipes, reparation of flood damage
Table 13 : Reservoirs for stock watering systems
Table 14 : Rectangular drinking troughs
Table 15 : Circular drinking troughs
Table 16 : Concrete and masonry
Table 17 : Transport of building material
Table 18 : Excavation for foundations for concrete or masonry
Table 19 : Other excavations for sub surface drainage
Table 20 : Earth moving
Table 21 : Stone packs and pitching
Table 22 : Reclamation of drift sand
Table 23 : Reclamation of bare patches
Table 24 : % Payable for different works
Sliding Scale Formula for Flood Relief Works
Regulations in terms of Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act
Notice No. R. 1048 of 1984
1. Definitions
Part I : Control Measures
2. Cultivation of virgin soil
3. Cultivation of land with a slope
4. Protection of cultivated land against erosion ...
5. Protection of cultivated land against erosion ...
6. Prevention of waterlogging and salination of ...
7. Utilisation and protection of vleis, marshes, water ...
8. Regulating of the flow pattern of run-off water
9. Utilisation and protection of veld
10. Grazing capacity of veld
11. Number of animals that may be kept on veld
12. Prevention and control of veld fires
13. Restoration and reclamation of eroded land
14. Restoration and reclamation of disturbed or ...
Part II : Weeds and invader plants
15. Declaration of weeds and invader plants
15A. Combating of category 1 plants
15B. Combating of category 2 plants
15C. Combating of category 3 plants
15D. Designation of biological control reserves
15E. Methods of control
15F. Application of other laws
16. Indicators of bush enroachment
Part III : Directions
17. Manner of serving
18. Evidence of serving directions
Part IV : Conservation Committees
19. Inaugural meeting
20. Calling of meetings
21. Quorum for meetings
22. Chairman at meetings
23. Reconsideration of certain resolutions
24. Attendance of meetings
25. Minutes of meetings
26. Disposal of documents
Part V : Beacons and Marks
27. Demarcation of areas to which directions apply
28. Indication of position of soil conservation works
Part VI : Appeals
29. Submission of appeals
30. Hearing and questioning of appellants
31. Address for lodging of appeals
Part VII : General
32. Address of executive officer
33. Commencement
Table 1 : Areas within which the Cultivation of ...
Table 2 : Large Stock Unit Equivalent of ...
Table 3 : Declared Weeds and Invader Plants
Table 4 : Declared Indicators of Bush Encroachment
Weed Control Scheme - Establishment
Notice No. R. 1044 of 1984
1. Definitions
2. Name of scheme
3. Objects of scheme
4. Application of scheme
5. Acts in respect of which weed killers may be supplied
6. Basis for the supply of week killers
7. Requirements for supply of weed killers
8. Applications for participation in scheme
9. Entry of farm units
10. Supply of weed killers
11. Conditions on which weed-killers are supplied
12. Date of commencement
Table 1 : Areas within and kinds of weeds to which ...
Table 2 : Incentives applicable to the supply of weed ...
Revised tariffs for services rendered in terms of the Sub-Division of Agricultural Land Act, Act No. 70 of 1970 and Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, Act No. 43 of 1983
Notice No. 470 of 2019
Tariff Structure (2019/20)
Notice No. 276 of 2021
Tariff Structure (2021/22)
Part VII : General
32. Address of executive officer
33. Commencement
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