R 385
Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000)Standard for Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts : August 2019AnnexesAnnex A : Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender |
Annex A
Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
Guidance Notes |
.......... invites tenders for ......... |
Enter the name of the employer and describe briefly what is to be procured, and if appropriate, over what time period. |
It is estimated that tenderers must have a cidb contractor grading of ......... or ......... or higher. |
Omit where: (i) the contract involves goods or services; or (ii) the employer promotes potentially emerging enterprises in engineering and construction works. Insert best estimate of required contractor grading designation. |
It is estimated that tenderers must have a cidb contractor grading of ......... or ......... or higher ......... or ......... potentially emerging enterprises who satisfy criteria stated in the Tender Data may submit tender offers. |
Omit where: (i) the contract involves goods or services; or (ii) the employer does not promote potentially emerging enterprises in engineering and construction works. Insert best estimate of required contractor grading designation and one contractor grading designation lower before "potentially emerging". |
Preferences are offered to tenderers who ......... |
Briefly indicate the nature of the preferences that are applicable, if so desired. |
Only tenderers who ......... are eligible to submit tenders. |
Where applicable, state essence of eligibility criteria. |
The physical address for collection of tender documents is: . .......................................................................... Documents may be collected during working hours after 09:00 on ......... |
Enter data |
A non-refundable tender deposit of R ......... payable in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of the Employer is required on collection of the tender documents. |
Omit if not a requirement. Amend wording if cheques or cash are not acceptable. |
Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to Mr/Ms ........., Tel No ........., Fax No ........., E- Mail ......... |
Enter data |
A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at ......... on ......... starting at ......... hrs. |
Omit if not a requirement |
The closing time for receipt of tenders is ......... hrs on ......... Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. |
Enter data and delete that which does not apply |
Tenders must only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. |
Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data. |