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Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000)NoticesBest Practice Project Assessment Scheme: Standard for Contract Participation Goals for Targeting Enterprises and Labour through Construction Works ContractsAppendixesAppendix E : Guidelines for the Selection and Recruitment of Targeted Labour 14 |
Appendix E: Guidelines for the Selection and Recruitment of Targeted Labour14
(1) | The identification of potential semi-skilled and unskilled labour that meet the requirements of the targeting data (including targeting area) should take place within the Community Project Committee (CPC), and led by the Community Liaison Officer (CLO). |
(2) | A Community Project Committee meeting to identify potential semi-skilled and unskilled must be well advertised in the target area, being cognisant of the main language spoken in the area, as well as the media most accessible to the community. |
(3) | Should the target area from which possible local labourers are to be drawn be too large, meetings should be held in each ward. |
(4) | A representative from the employer should be present at the Community Project Committee meetings. |
(5) | The following information should be made available at the meeting: |
• details of the project;
• type of work available in the project;
• explanation of work methods to be used;
• estimated number of unskilled and skilled work opportunities available.
(6) | A basic job application form is to be distributed to all present and explained. |
(7) | The job application form should require verifiable information to identify the potential labour as being from the target area, including place of residence. |
(8) | The process that will be followed to determine the selected local labour is to be explained to all individuals present. |
(9) | A basic job application form is to be completed by all present. |
(10) | The prospective labourer is required to place the application in a sealed box. |
(11) | Different application boxes must be provided for each skill or trade as well as for the unskilled. |
(12) | The Community Liaison Officer is to draw double the number of applications from each box in full view of the entire meeting. One list is to be according to the labour requirements (i.e. the number of opportunities available) and another with the same amount of names for standby - per application box. |
(13) | Individuals whose names are drawn must be contacted and present themselves at the front of the meeting. (It is compulsory that all applicants attend the Community Project Committee meeting where the selection process will take place). |
(14) | After the drawing process has been completed, the meeting should be informed of an appeal process to be followed should individuals have a problem with the drawing process. |
(15) | The meeting must be informed of the date by when the successful applicants will be made public. |
(16) | Once the appeal period has elapsed, the two lists per category must be made public by putting them up in key locations in the community. Lists are also to be provided to the CLO and to the principal contractor. |
(17) | A database of all applications should be compiled after the meeting by the principal contractor to ensure that all applications are captured for future reference should the need arise. |
(18) | Workers are to be appointed in the order in which they were drawn from the box i.e. in the order on the list. |
(19) | Should the successful applicant not accept the work, his or her name is to be removed from the list. Should all people on the first list have been given a chance or appointed, the individuals on the second list are provided with an opportunity on a first drawn first opportunity basis. |
(20) | Should all individuals on the two lists have been afforded an opportunity, then the individuals whose names have been captured in the database (i.e. the balance of the individuals' who submitted an application into the respective box) should be provided with an opportunity. |
(21) | Only individuals who applied through this application process and whose names appear on the database may be appointed as local labour on the project. |
14 | Adapted from Policy on Community Participation and Recruitment And Selection of Local Labour in Construction Contracts for the Department of Transport and Public Works; Department of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape Government. |