R 385
Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000)NoticesBest Practice Project Assessment Scheme: Standard for Contract Participation Goals for Targeting Enterprises and Labour through Construction Works ContractsForeword |
The CIDB Act (Act 38 of 2000) requires that the Board must establish a Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme based on the best practices identified by the Board. All construction contracts above a prescribed tender value will then be subject to an assessment of compliance with best practice standards and guidelines published by the Board.
The aim of this best practice Standard for Contract Participation Goals for Targeting Enterprises and Labour through Construction Works Contracts is to promote uniformity and standardisation in contract participation goals (CPGs) and to provide for conflict resolution mechanisms in respect of contract participation goals relating to a contract for the provision of construction works. Private and public sector employees are encouraged to adopt this Standard. Furthermore, it is encouraged that this Standard is adopted in the homebuilding sector.
This Standard will be subject to a review every five years, or sooner if required.