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Report 69 Business Practices Committee

6. Notice of the section 8(1)(a) investigation



The following appeared under Notice 3108 of 1998 in Government Gazette 19622 dated 24 December 1998.


"In terms of the provisions of section 8(4) of the Harmful Business Practices Act, 1988 (Act No. 71 of 1988), notice is herewith given that the Business Practices Committee intends undertaking an investigation in terms of section 8(1)(a) of the said Act into the business practices of--


Inner Circle Organisation, Inner Circle SA, Charles Frederick Venter (ID 600708 5157 088) and any director, member, employee, agent and/or representative of any of the aforementioned in respect of the activities of Inner Circle Organisation, Inner Circle SA en Charles Frederick Venter.


Any person may within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of this notice make written representations regarding the above-mentioned investigation to: The Secretary, Business Practices Committee, Private Bag X84, PRETORIA, 0001.Tel: 012-310-9562, Fax: 012-322-8489 Ms L van Zyl Ref. H101/20/10/66(98)".