R 385
Report 74 Business Practices Committee6. Recommendations |
The Committee accordingly recommends that the Minister under section 12(1)(b) of the Act declares unlawful the business practice whereby John Kenneth Kilian and Janet Alison Kilian, in any way whatsoever, and any employee, agent or representative of a business in which the above-mentioned parties have an interest, in the course of business sell or offer for sale any type of franchise business to the public or receive funds from potential franchisees.
This prohibition by the Minister will not apply should John Kenneth Kilian and Janet Alison Kilian, or any employee, agent or representative of a business in which the mentioned parties have an interest, in the course of business sell or offer for sale any type of franchise business while complying with the conditions of full membership or associate membership of the Franchising Association of South Africa.
Louise A Tager
Chairman: Business Practices Committee
22 April 1999