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Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Act, 1988 (Act No. 71 of 1988)3A. Liaison committees |
1) |
a) | The chairperson may appoint one or more liaison committees, which shall advise the committee on such matters as the chairperson may determine and refer to a liaison committee for advise. |
b) | A liaison committee shall consist of the number of members determined by the chairperson. |
2) | A member of a liaison committee-- |
a) | shall be appointed for such period, but not exceeding three years, as the chairperson may determine at the time of his appointment; |
b) | who is not in the full-time service of the State, shall in connection with the activities of the liaison committee be paid such remuneration and allowances as the Minister may determine with the concurrence of the Minister of State Expenditure; |
c) | shall vacate his office if he resigns as a member or if the chairperson at any time terminates his period of office as a member because in the opinion of the chairperson there are sound reasons for doing so; |
d) | may be reappointed at the expiry of his period of office by effluxion of time. |
3) | The chairperson and vice-chairperson of a liaison committee shall be designated by the chairperson. |
4) | The vice-chairperson of a liaison committee shall act as chairperson when the chairperson of the liaison committee is not able to perform his functions or when he is not available, or when there is a vacancy in the office of the chairperson of the liaison committee concerned. |
5) |
a) | The meetings of a liaison committee shall be held at such times and places as the chairperson of the liaison committee concerned may determine. |
b) | The person presiding at a meeting of the liaison committee concerned shall determine the procedure at the meeting. |
c) | The decision of a majority of the members of a liaison committee present at a meeting thereof shall constitute the decision of that liaison committee. |