R 385
Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008)RegulationsConsumer Protection Act RegulationsAnnexuresAnnexure E : Regulation 35 |
National Consumer Commission |
Form· Complaint - section 71(1) |
Full names of complainant
ID/Registration number of complainant
Postal Address
Physical Address
Cell phone number |
Landline number |
Fax number |
E-mail address |
When is the best time to contact you, should this be necessary? |
Has the complainant previously filed a complaint with the NCC? |
If so, please provide the reference number |
Nature of complaint |
Provision of Consumer Protection Act or regulations promulgated under it or Code contravened (if known) |
Name of company or person against whom complaint is made
Address of company or person against whom complaint is made |
Short description of complaint
Details of steps taken to resolve the complaint
List of documents relevant to complaint attached to this form
What outcome do you propose for this complaint?
Date |
Place |
Office use only
Reference number |