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Copyright Act, 1978 (Act No. 98 of 1978)RegulationsCopyright Regulations, 1978Chapter 4 : Copyright Tribunal26. Consideration of references and applications |
(1) | The Registrar shall, as soon as is practicable after all preliminary questions have been disposed of under regulation 25, fix a date for the consideration by the Tribunal of every reference under section 31 or 32 or application under section 33, and the Registrar shall give not less than 30 days prior notice in writing of the date so fixed to all parties to the reference or application. |
(2) | Every party wishing to make representations in writing to the Tribunal shall serve a copy of his representations on the Registrar and on every other party to the proceedings not less than 14 days before the date fixed under subregulation (1). |
(3) | Any party wishing the reference or application to he dealt with at a hearing before the Tribunal may serve notice to that effect in accordance with Form 8 on the Registrar and on every other party to the proceedings not less than seven days before the date fixed under subregulation (1), and in that case the Tribunal shall fix a place and time for the hearing, and the Registrar shall give notice in writing of the place and time so fixed to all parties to the proceedings. |
(4) | If no party serves notice requesting a hearing under subregulation (3) the Tribunal shall proceed to consider the reference or application and shall make such order thereon as it thinks just after considering all representations received by the Tribunal in support of and in opposition to the reference or application, as the case may be. |