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Copyright Act, 1978 (Act No. 98 of 1978)RegulationsCopyright Regulations, 1978Chapter 4 : Copyright Tribunal30. Disclosure of documents |
(1) | Every party to proceedings before the Tribunal shall send to the Registrar and to every other party a copy or any document relevant to the proceedings which is in that party's possession or control. |
(2) | If any party fails without just cause to comply with the requirements of subregulation (1), the Tribunal may order him to comply and may give such consequential directions concerning the adjournment of the hearing or otherwise as may be necessary and may order any party to pay any costs occasioned by his default. |
(3) | The Tribunal may, if any party fails within the time fixed by it to comply with any order made under subregulation (2), order that such party shall be deemed to have abandoned any interest it may have had in the proceedings and dismiss the application or reference case may be, and make such order concerning costs as it deems fit. |