Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)Regulations for the Administration of the Department of Correctional Services of the Republic of South AfricaChapter II : Custody of all Inmates under Conditions of Human Dignity2. Admission to correctional centre |
1) |
a) | The Head of the Correctional Centre or any correctional official authorised by him or her must take into safekeeping the money, valuables and any other articles in the possession of an inmate on admission to the correctional centre or during the period of incarceration. |
b) | The National Commissioner may prescribe by the Order the conditions for and circumstances under which taking into safekeeping, release or disposal of such money, valuables or other articles may take place. |
2) | Every inmate who is admitted to a correctional centre must bath or shower as soon as possible after admission, as prescribed by the Order. |
3) |
a) | Every inmate and every cared-for child must, within twenty four hours after admission and before being allowed to mix with the general inmate population, undergo a health status examination by either a correctional medical practitioner or a registered nurse, who must record the health status of such inmate or child and confirm such person's medical history if necessary. |
b) | If a registered nurse has conducted such a medical examination he or she must refer the case of the inmate or cared-for child to the correctional medical practitioner as soon as reasonably possible if any of the following conditions are identified; |
i) | the inmate or cared-for child who, upon admission to the correctional centre had been injured, was ill or has complained that he or she is injured or ill; |
ii) | the inmate or cared-for child is using prescribed medication or receives medical treatment; |
iii) | the inmate or cared-for child is receiving continued or ancillary medical treatment; |
iv) | the inmate is pregnant; or |
v) | there exists any other condition with regard to the inmate or cared-for child which the registered nurse on reasonable grounds believes requires the correctional medical practitioner to issue the admission report. |
c) | The correctional medical practitioner or registered nurse must screen all inmates admitted to the correctional centre for communicable, contagious or obscure diseases and record the presence thereof, as prescribed by the Order. |
d) | The Head of the Correctional Centre must facilitate the process of proper placement of a child who has been admitted with a female inmate and the Department of Social Development must immediately be informed of such female inmate as contemplated in section 20(1A) of the Act. |
e) | Treatment of inmates must at all times be in accordance with binding, international instruments relating to their treatment. |
4) |
a) | The registered nurse must upon admission record any medical assistance device in possession of an inmate. |
b) | Such device may not be removed without the written instruction of the attending medical practitioner. |
5) | Any medicine in possession of an inmate must be recorded and handed to the registered nurse who must deal with it as prescribed by the Order. |
6) |
a) | The possession of an emergency identification locket or bracelet by an inmate or cared-for child and the condition identified by it must be recorded by the registered nurse. |
b) | Such a locket or bracelet may be worn by the inmate unless it constitutes a security risk. |
7) | An inmate may only mix with the general inmate population after being medically assessed. |