Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)Regulations for the Administration of the Department of Correctional Services of the Republic of South AfricaChapter VIII : Human Resources and Work Organisation Matters39. Establishment of departmental canteen |
1) | The National Commissioner may approve the establishment of a departmental canteen contemplated in section 132 of the Act. |
2) |
a) | A departmental canteen established in terms of sub regulation (1) must be controlled by a committee of which the Area Commissioner concerned will be the chairperson. The committee so constituted will exercise its functions as prescribed by the Order. Any correctional official, including members of the Senior Management Service, in the conduct of the business of such canteen or in the management thereof will be subject to discipline contemplated in regulation 33, in the case of misconduct, when functioning in that capacity. |
b) | Any profits, assets or any proceeds from the liquidation of a departmental canteen may be distributed by the committee, as may be determined by the National Commissioner, for any purposes contemplated in section 132 of the Act, or for the common benefit or welfare of correctional officials, pensioners, civilian employees and their dependants. |
c) | A departmental canteen must be conducted on self supporting business principles, with the exception of accommodation or other necessities which may be provided by the State and any other expenditure which the National Commissioner may, in consultation with the National Treasury authorize from public funds. |
3) | A Correctional Services canteen must be managed for the sole use or benefit of: |
a) | correctional officials; |
b) | civilian employees of the Department; |
c) | civilian persons employed in any work in or in connection with a Correctional Services canteen; |
d) | the families of persons referred to in paragraph (a) up to and including (d); |
e) | persons to whom permission, referred to in section 99 of the Act, has been granted to be present in a correctional centre; and |
f) | prisoners in detention. |