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Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)Chapter IX : The Judicial Inspectorate Correctional Services90. Powers, functions and duties of Inspecting Judge |
1) | The Inspecting Judge inspects or arranges for the inspection of correctional centres and remand detention facilities in order to report on the treatment of inmates in correctional centres and remand detention facilities and on conditions and any corrupt or dishonest practices in correctional centres and remand detention facilities. |
2) | The Inspecting Judge may only receive and deal with the complaints submitted by the National Council, the Minister, the National Commissioner, a Visitors' Committee and, in cases of urgency, an Independent Correctional Centre Visitor and may of his or her own volition deal with any complaint. |
3) | The Inspecting Judge must submit a report on each inspection to the Minister and the relevant Parliamentary Committees on Correctional Services. |
4) |
a) | The Inspecting Judge must submit an annual report to the President and the Minister. |
b) | The report must be tabled in Parliament by the Minister. |
5) | For the purpose of conducting an investigation, the Inspecting Judge may make any enquiry and hold hearings. |
6) | At a hearing, sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Commissions Act, 1947 (Act No. 8 of 1947), apply as if the Inspecting Judge and the secretary of the Judicial Inspectorate were the chairperson and secretary of a National Commission, respectively. |
7) | The Inspecting Judge may assign any of his or her functions to inspectors, except where a hearing is to be conducted by the Inspecting Judge. |
8) | [Deleted by the Correctional Services Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No. 25 of 2008)]. |
9) | The Inspecting Judge must perform any other function ascribed to him or her in this Act. |