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Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)NoticesDelegation of Authority |
Notice No. 1331 of 2007
Department of Correctional Services
Under the powers vested in me in terms of delegation of authority in terms of section 97(2) of the Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act 111 of 1998), I Vivian Patrick Petersen, Commissioner of Correctional Services hereby delegate the under mentioned competency to the person in the post indicated against the applicable competency, and repeal the previous delegation in this regard.
a) | The level of delegation indicated hereunder against each competency, is the lowest level on which the competency may be exercised; |
b) | Any line-functionary with an equal or higher rank is also authorised to exercise the same power; |
c) | The delegation indicated hereunder, remains in force should a section be renumbered in terms of an amendment of the Act, precluding any amendments to the competency itself, and the number of the new section is considered to be the number of the relevant section; |
d) | The exercise of a delegated authority is at all times subject to the provisions of the Act and Regulations, the Departmental Orders and any directives issued in this regard; and |
e) | Levels of delegation indicated with Head Office, refer only to post structures which exist at the Correctional Services, Head Office, Pretoria. |
f) | "Correctional Centre" means "prison" as contemplated in section 1 of the Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act 111 of 1998). |
g) | "Offender" means "prisoner" as contemplated in section 1 of the Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act 111 of 1998). |
Vivian Patrick Petersen
National Commissioner
Correctional Services
Section 95 read with paragraph 6 of Resolution 1 of 2001 and paragraph 7.3.3 Resolution 1 of 2006. |
Appoint Presiding Official for disciplinary hearings and appeal hearings emanating from investigations under section 95. |
DC Human Resource Management (DC: HRM)