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Table of Contents
Notice No. 15 of 2013
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Objects and Application
1. Definitions and interpretation
2. Objects of Act
3. Application of Act
4. Use of credit ratings
Chapter 2 : Registration
5. Application for registration
6. Suspension and cancellation of registration
Chapter 3 : Duties of Registered Credit Rating Agency
7. Duties
8. Appointment of directors
9. Methodologies, models and key rating assumptions
10. Credit ratings
11. Code of conduct
12. Outsourcing and other services
13. Disclosures
14. Records
15. Annual report
16. Independent compliance unit
17. Accounting and auditing requirements
Chapter 4 : Endorsement of External Credit Ratings
18. Requirements for endorsement of external credit ratings
Chapter 5 : Liability and Independence of ...
19. Liability of registered credit rating agency
20. Independence
Chapter 6 : Administration of Act
21. Registrar and deputy registrar of credit rating agencies
22. Delegation and assignment
23. Powers and functions of Registrar
24. Rules
25. Inspections and on-site visits
26. Directives
27. Exemptions
28. Fees and penalties
29. Cooperation and regulatory authorities [REPEALED]
Chapter 7 : Enforcement Actions and Remedies
30. Enforcement committee
31. Civil action
32. Offences and penalties
33. Right of appeal
Chapter 8 : Miscellaneous and General Provisions
34. Regulations
35. Saving of rights
36. Amendment of laws
37. Short title and commencement
Law Amended
Commencement Date of Act ...
Notice No. 271 of 2013
Board Notices
Board Notice 164 of 2013
Application for Registration as Credit Rating Agency
1. Definition
2. Application for a registration as a credit rating agency
3. Address
4. Commencement
Form CRSA1
Annexure 1 to Form CRSA1
Annexure 2 to Form CRSA1
Board Notice 165 of 2013
International Code of Conduct
Board Notice 166 of 2013
Fit and Proper Requirements for Credit Rating Agencies
1. Definitions
2. Honesty and integrity
3. Competence
4. Operational ability
5. Financial soundness of applicants
6. Financial soundness of directors and key employees
7. Commencement
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Annexure D
Board Notice 167 of 2013
Requirements for Approval of Compliance Unit
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Criteria for compliance officers...
4. Criteria for approval of external compliance units
5. Application form
6. Transitional provision
7. Commencement
Form 1
Board Notice 168 of 2013
Annual Report to the Public...
1. Definition
2. Additional information that must be contained...
3. Commencement
Board Notice 169 of 2013
Prescribed Credit Rating Agency Fees
1. Definition
2. Fees
3. Manner of payment of fees
4. Interest in respect of overdue fees
5. Commencement
Board Notice 170 of 2013
Prescribed Period in which Annual Report must be ...
1. Definition
2. Prescribed period
3. Commencement
Board Notice 171 of 2013
Administrative Penalty to be Imposed by the Registrar
1. Definition
2. Administrative penalty to be imposed
3. Commencement
Board Notice 228 of 2013
Credit Rating Agency Rules
Part I : Introduction
1. Definitions
Part II : Organisational Requirements
2. Structure and duties of the board
3. Internal controls
4. Outsourcing arrangements
Part III : Independence and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest
5. Conflicts of interest
6. Analyst and employee independence
Part IV : Quality and Integrity of Credit Ratings
7. Quality of the rating process
8. Monitoring, surveillance and updating
9. Integrity of the rating process
Part V : Presentation of Credit Ratings
10. Presentation of credit ratings
Part VI : Additional Obligations in Relation to ...
11. Structured finance instruments
Part VII : Disclosure and Record Keeping
12. Additional disclosures
13. Record-keeping
Part VIII : Advertising
14. Advertising
Part IX : Guarantee and Insurance Cover
15. Guarantee and insurance cover
Part X : Control and Prohibition of Incentives
16. Incentives
Part XI : Responsibilities to Investors and the Public
17. General duties of credit rating agencies
18. Transparency and timeliness ...
19. Confidential information
20. Short title and commencement
Chapter 5 : Liability and Independence of Registered Credit Rating Agencies
19. Liability of registered credit rating agency
20. Independence
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