R 385
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019 (Act No. 8 of 2019)Chapter 2 : Critical Infrastructure Council and StructuresPart C : Committees, exemption and delegations12. Ad hoc and standing committees |
(1) | The National Commissioner may, when he or she deems it necessary or expedient to obtain advice or assistance in order to perform any function contemplated in section 9(2) and (3), establish any ad hoc or standing committee to assist him or her. |
(2) | A committee established under subsection (1) may establish ad hoc working groups to assist it in the performance of its functions. |
(3) | Any committee or working group established under subsections (1) and (2) may include persons who are not police officials. |
(4) | The National Commissioner must designate a police official who is a member of a committee or working group, as chairperson thereof. |
(5) | A committee is accountable to the National Commissioner. |
(6) | The advice or assistance contemplated in subsection (1) does not bind the National Commissioner or absolve him or her from his or her responsibility under this Act. |
(7) | A member of a committee is disqualified from being appointed or continuing to serve as a member of the committee, if he or she— |
(a) | has, in the preceding 20 years, been sentenced in the Republic or elsewhere, to imprisonment without the option of a fine; |
(b) | does not have a valid security clearance certificate issued to him or her by the State Security Agency; |
(c) | is an unrehabilitated insolvent; |
(d) | is not a South African citizen; or |
(e) | is by virtue of any other law disqualified from being appointed. |