R 385
Exchange Control Regulations, 1961 |
2. Restriction on purchase, sale and loan of foreign currency and gold
5. Acquisition by Treasury of Gold
6. Acquisition by the Treasury of Foreign Currency
7. Declaration of foreign assets and liabilities
8. Power to prescribe currencies in respect of certain transactions
9. Limitation of optional ports of destination
10. Restriction on Export of Capital
11. Assignment to Treasury of Right to exported goods
12. Goods purchased outside the Republic
13. Prohibition of export of goods imported from countries outside the sterling area
14. Restriction on dealings in securities belonging to non-residents
15. Prohibition of dealings in bearer securities and bearer options
17. Businesses controlled by persons outside the Republic
22A. Attachment of certain money and goods, and blocking of certain accounts
22C. Recovery of certain amounts by treasury
[as promulgated by Government Notice R.1111 of 1 December 1961 and amended up to Government Notice No. R.445 in Government Gazette No. 35430 of 8 June 2012]