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Currency and Exchanges Act, 1933 (Act No. 9 of 1933)
Notice No. 288 of 1933
1. Definitions
2. Obligation to repay loan in any particular money may be fulfilled by payment in Union legal tender
3. Repealed
4. Repealed
5. Repealed
6. Repealed
7. Repealed
8. Repealed
8bis. Repealed
8ter. Repealed
8quater. Repealed
9. Regulations regarding currency, banking or the exchange
10. Repeal of Act No. 48 of 1931
11. Short title and commencement
Exchange Control Regulations, 1961
Notice No. R 1111 of 1961
1. Definition of terms
2. Restriction on purchase, sale and loan of foreign currency and gold
3. Restriction on the export of currency, gold, securities, etc., and the import of South African bank notes
4. Blocked Accounts
5. Acquisition by Treasury of Gold
6. Acquisition by the Treasury of Foreign Currency
7. Declaration of foreign assets and liabilities
8. Power to prescribe currencies in respect of certain transactions
9. Limitation of optional ports of destination
10. Restriction on Export of Capital
11. Assignment to Treasury of Right to exported goods
12. Goods purchased outside the Republic
13. Prohibition of export of goods imported from countries outside the sterling area
14. Restriction on dealings in securities belonging to non-residents
15. Prohibition of dealings in bearer securities and bearer options
16. Control of capital issues
17. Businesses controlled by persons outside the Republic
18. Provision of security
19. Furnishing of information
20. Exemption from stamp duty
21. Forms
22. Penalty
22A. Attachment of certain money and goods, and blocking of certain accounts
22B. Forfeiture and disposal of money or goods attached or in respect of which orders have been issued or made
22C. Recovery of certain amounts by treasury
22D. Review of, or institution of actions in connection with, attachment and forfeiture of certain money or goods, and of certain orders
22E. Delegation of powers
23. Withdrawal of regulations
24. Administrative relief
Orders and Rules under the Exchange Control Regulations
1. Definition of Sterling Area
2. Appointment of the South African Reserve Bank to carry out the functions assigned to the Treasury
3. Appointment of Authorised Dealers
4. Exemption of Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland from the provisions of regulation 3
5. [Repealed]
6. Declaration of foreign assets and liabilities
7. Foreign exchange proceeds of exports to Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland
8. Restriction on receiving of payments in Republic
9. Control of capital issues - exemption and issues by local authorities
10. Advice, information, permits or forms relating to exchange control or currency matters under the regulations
11. Withdrawal of Orders and Rules
12. Order and general exemption in terms of regulations 3(1)(c)
Regulations in addition to Exchange Control Regulations, 1961
Notice No. R. 603 of 1986
Cancellation of Authorised Dealer in Foreign Exchange
Notice No. R. 597 of 2019
Currency and Exchanges Act, 1933 (Act 9 of 1933)
Orders and Rules under the Exchange Control Regulations
5. [Repealed]
[Rule 5 deleted by Government Notice No. R 9 of 2011]
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