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Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964)Chapter III : Importation, Exportation and Transit and Coastwise Carriage of Goods14. Coastwise traffic and coasting ships |
(1) | The conveyance of goods by ship between the coastal ports of the Republic shall be deemed to be coastwise traffic and all ships employed in such traffic shall be deemed to be coasting ships: Provided that no ship arriving from a place outside the Republic, although bound for more than one coastal port in the Republic and no ship clearing from any coastal port in the Republic for a port outside the Republic, although bound for one or more intermediate coastal ports in the Republic, shall be deemed a coasting ship nor shall its voyage between ports in the Republic be deemed a coastwise voyage. |
(2) | A foreign-going ship may also carry coastwise goods while on a voyage between ports in the Republic subject to the rules relating to such goods. |
(3) | [Section 14(3) deleted by section 9(b) of Act No. 45 of 1995] |
(4) | Any dutiable goods which have not been entered for home consumption shall— |
(a) | not be loaded on board any ship for carriage coastwise unless they have been entered for removal or deemed to have been so entered in terms of this Act; and |
(b) | be reported by the master to the Controller at the port of discharge in the Republic as prescribed by rule. |