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Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964)Chapter V : Clearance and Origin of Goods, Liability for and Payment of Duties41. Particulars on invoices |
(1) | Any goods imported into or exported from the Republic or any excisable goods or fuel levy goods manufactured in any customs and excise warehouse shall be supported by a true, correct and sufficient invoice, certificate of value and certificate of origin of such goods in such form and reflecting such particulars of such goods as may be prescribed in the rules and as may be necessary to make a valid entry of such goods, and such additional information in connection with such invoice, certificate, particulars or goods as the Commissioner may, for the purpose of this Act, require at any time, shall be furnished: Provided that different requirements may be prescribed in the rules in respect of invoices and certificates relating to goods of different classes or kinds or goods to which different circumstances specified in the rules apply. |
[Section 41(1) substituted by section 12(1)(a) of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act, 2022 (Act No. 16 of 2022), Notice No. 1542, GG47827, dated 5 January 2023 - comes into effect on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette (section 12(2))]
(2) | Any goods of a class or kind specified in the rules for the purposes of this subsection and exported to or from or manufactured in the Republic must have a distinctive and permanent identification number, code, description, character or other mark, allocated in such manner and in accordance with such method as may be prescribed in the rules, and such number, code, description, character or other mark shall be quoted or reproduced in all invoices relating to such goods and in all such other documents relating to such goods as may be specified in the rules. |
[Section 41(2) substituted by section 12(1)(b) of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act, 2022 (Act No. 16 of 2022), Notice No. 1542, GG47827, dated 5 January 2023 - comes into effect on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette (section 12(2))]
(3) | All particulars in any invoice and certificate in respect of imported goods shall relate to the goods in the condition in which they are imported into the Republic and for the purposes of section 107(2) no change in such condition shall be deemed to have taken place between the time of importation and the time of any examination or analysis decided upon by the Controller or the Commissioner unless the importer is able to satisfy the Commissioner of any such change and the extent thereof: Provided that the Commissioner may refuse to act upon the result of any such examination or analysis if the particulars in such invoice are thereby proved to be incorrect. |
[Section 41(3) substituted by section 12(1)(c) of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act, 2022 (Act No. 16 of 2022), Notice No. 1542, GG47827, dated 5 January 2023 - comes into effect on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette (section 12(2))]
(a) | An invoice in respect of imported goods shall contain all particulars necessary to make a valid entry and all particulars as may be prescribed by rule and such particulars shall, except where the Commissioner otherwise determines, relate to the final amount of the transaction value. |
[Section 41(4)(a) substituted by section 12(1)(d) of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act, 2022 (Act No. 16 of 2022), Notice No. 1542, GG47827, dated 5 January 2023 - comes into effect on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette (section 12(2))]
(b) | Any particulars referred to in paragraph (a) and declared in any prescribed invoice or certificate in respect of any imported goods shall be subject to any credit or debit note passed by the exporter or to any refund made or becoming due by the exporter or any amount paid or becoming due to the exporter (directly or indirectly, in money or in kind or in any other manner) or to any change of any nature whatever in such particulars in respect of such goods after the date of issue of such invoice or certificate and the exporter shall whenever any such note is passed, or refund is made or becomes due or amount is paid or becomes due or change takes place forthwith issue an amended invoice or certificate to the importer who shall produce such amended invoice or certificate to the Controller within one month of receipt thereof and report the circumstances to him. |
(i) | Any particulars referred to in paragraph (a) and reflected in any invoice or certificate in respect of any imported goods shall be subject to any amount credited or debited on the transaction by the exporter or to any refund on the transaction made or becoming due by the exporter or any amount paid or becoming due to the exporter (directly or indirectly, in money or in kind or in any other manner) or to any change of any nature whatever in such particulars in respect of such goods after the date of issue of such invoice or certificate. |
[Section 41(4)(b)(i) substituted by section 12(1)(e) of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act, 2022 (Act No. 16 of 2022), Notice No. 1542, GG47827, dated 5 January 2023 - comes into effect on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette (section 12(2))]
(c) | If any particulars referred to in paragraph (a) of any imported goods are not declared in the prescribed invoice or certificate in respect thereof or if any change in the particulars declared in any prescribed invoice or certificate relating to any imported goods which occurs after the date of issue of any such invoice or certificate is not forthwith reported to the Controller by the importer of such goods or if the Commissioner has reason to believe that an offence referred to in section 86(f) or (g) has been committed in respect of any imported goods the Commissioner may determine a transaction value, origin, date of purchase, quantity, description or the characteristics of such goods according to the best information available to him, which shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be deemed to be the transaction value, origin, date of purchase, quantity, description or the characteristics of such goods. |
(d) | [Section 41(4)(d) deleted by Revenue Laws Second Amendment Act No. 21 of 2006] |