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Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964)Chapter IX : Value74A. Interpretation of sections 65, 66 and 67 |
(1) | The interpretation of sections 65, 66, and 67 shall be subject to the agreement concluded at Geneva on 12 April 1979 and known as the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Interpretative Notes thereto, the Advisory Opinions, Commentaries and Explanatory Notes, Case Studies and Studies issued under the said Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. |
(2) |
(a) | The Commissioner shall obtain and keep in his office two copies of such Agreement, Interpretative Notes, Advisory Opinions, Commentaries and Explanatory Notes, Case Studies and Studies and shall effect thereto any amendment thereof of which he is notified by the Secretariat of the Customs Co-operation Council, Brussels. |
(b) | Whenever in any legal proceedings any question arises as to the contents of the said Agreement, or any such Interpretative Note, Advisory Opinion, Commentary, Explanatory Note, Case Study or Study (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as the relevant document), or as to the date upon which any amendment thereof was effected thereto in terms of paragraph (a), a copy of the relevant document, or if amended as contemplated in paragraph (a), a copy of the relevant document as so amended, shall, unless the contrary is proved, be accepted as sufficient evidence of the contents thereof or of the effective date of any amendment thereof, as the case may be. |
(3) | The provisions of subsection (1) shall not derogate from the interpretation which would but for that subsection be given to section 65, 66 or 67. |