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Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964)Customs and Excise RulesChapter VIII : Registration, Licensing and Accredited ClientsRules for Section 64G of the ActLicensing of, and conditions and procedures applicable to, degrouping depots contemplated in section 6(1)(hC) and 64G for goods imported by airIssue of receipt for goods received and goods to be verified against manifests |
64G.14 |
(a) | The degrouping operator must acknowledge in writing the receipt of goods from a transit shed operator or other degrouping depot operator. |
(b) | For the purposes of control of goods received— |
(i) | all consolidated cargo received must be verified against air cargo manifests; |
(ii) | all goods unpacked must be verified against the applicable consolidation manifest as well as the individual house manifests issued in respect of the individual consignments contained within the consolidation; and |
(iii) | any shortages against or surplus to manifest quantities, unmanifested cargo or discrepant packages must be endorsed on such manifests and further dealt with as contemplated in rule 64G.16. |
(c) | The degrouping operator must submit outturn reports in respect of all goods received in the degrouping depot in accordance with the rules for section 8. |