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Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964)

Customs and Excise Rules

Chapter IV : Customs and Excise Warehouses: Storage and  Goods in Customs and Excise Warehouses

Rules for Section 21 of the Act

Rule 21.05A

Part 3: Sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouses

Licensing requirements for sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouses



(a) Only storage vessels that are self-propelled and have been duly entered for customs purposes are eligible for licensing as sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouses.
(b) The licensed premises of a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse includes the storage vessel and any storage facility that forms an integral part of the structure of that vessel.
(c) Distillate fuel and residual fuel must be stored in separate marked tanks or storage facilities in the warehouse.
(d) Flow meters and gauges must—
(i) be installed to accurately monitor the volume of bonded fuel goods received in, stored in and removed from the warehouse at any given time; and
(ii) tested at regular intervals not exceeding a period of six months, and recalibrated if necessary.
(e) A storage vessel operating as a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse may only operate within the port limits of the port that it services, as described in Government Gazette No. 32873 of 22 January 2010, subject to rule 21.05A.10(a).
(f) A licence for a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse is issued in respect of a specific port subject to compliance with all relevant requirements relating to approvals, licences or certificates of whatever nature by the relevant regulatory and other bodies in relation to the importation and receiving, storage or supply of fuel for bunkering.
(g) Bonded fuel goods may only be received into a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse—
(i) if the licensee is in possession of a copy of form DA 1 submitted by the carrier operating the foreign-going vessel on board which the bonded fuel goods are brought into the Republic;
(ii) upon due entry for storage in such warehouse; and
(iii) upon due entry for re-warehousing in such warehouse of bonded fuel goods removed from another sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse.
(h) Only a licensed marine remover may remove bonded fuel goods from a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse: Provided that transfers may be effected by using a fuel hose directly from the warehouse to a foreign-going vessel.
(i) The same vessel may not be used for purposes of a sea-based bonded fuel goods special storage warehouse storing bonded fuel goods and as a vessel operated by a licensed marine remover.
(j) A licensee must keep or provide access to records contemplated in rule 21.05A.15 at the land-based premises of that licensee used for purposes of the business for which the licence was issued and which is indicated on the electronic application or form DA 185.