R 385
Debt Collectors Act, 1998 (Act No. 114 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations relating to Debt Collectors, 20034. Certificate of registration |
(1) | The Council shall issue a certificate of registration which corresponds substantially with Form 3 of Annexure A to every person registered as a debt collector. |
(2) | A person registered as a debt collector shall— |
(a) | prominently display his or her certificate of registration in his or her office; |
(b) | indicate the number of his or her certificate of registration on all correspondence; and |
(c) | produce proof of registration on request of any person approached by him or her in the performance of his or her functions as a debt collector. |
(3) | The Council may, under the circumstances it deems fit and upon receipt of— |
(a) | a written request of a registered debt collector; and |
(b) | payment of a fee of R100, |
issue a duplicate certificate of registration to the debt collector.
[Regulation 4(3) substituted by section 4(a) of Notice R1623 of 2003]
(4) | A certificate of registration issued in terms of this regulation remains the property of the Council. |
[Regulation 4(4) substituted by section 4(b) of Notice R1623 of 2003]