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Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)
Chapter I : Administration
1. Deeds registries
1A. Discontinuance of rationalised registries
2. Appointment of registrar and assistant registrar of deeds
3. Duties of registrar
4. Powers of registrar
5. Transactions affecting land in areas served by different deeds registries
6. Registered deeds not to be cancelled except upon an order of court
7. Inspection of records and supply of information
8. [Repealed]
9. Regulations board
10. Regulations
Chapter II : Registration
11. [Repealed]
12. [Repealed]
13. When registration takes place
14. Deeds to follow sequence of their relative causes
15. Preparation of deeds by conveyancer
15A. Proof of certain facts in connection with deeds and documents by means of certain certificates
16. How real rights shall be transferred
16A. Registration of transfer of right of leasehold
16B. [Repealed]
16C. Registration of new order rights
16D. Registration of transfer of rights acquired in terms of or under Black Administration Act, 1927
17. Registration of immovable property in name of married persons
Chapter III : Registration of Land
18. Manner of dealing with State land
19. [Repealed]
20. Form and manner of execution of deeds of transfer
21. Transfer or cession from joint estate
22. Transfer of two or more pieces of land by one deed
23. Transfer of undivided shares in land by one deed
23bis. Transfer of shares in properties to more than one transferee in one deed
24. Special provisions relating to transfer of undivided shares
24bis. Transfer from firm or partnership
25. Transfer to unascertained children
26. Deeds of partition transfer
27. Requisites where share in land partitioned is mortgaged
28. Requisites where share in land partitioned is subject to other rights
29. Effect of compliance with sections 27 and 28
30. Partition of land subject to fideicommissum
31. Transfer of expropriated land or land vested by statute
32. Registration of expropriated servitudes or servitudes vested by statute
33. Registration of title by other than the ordinary procedure
34. Certificate of registered title of undivided share
35. Certificate of registered title of aggregate share
36. Certificate of registered title of one or more properties held under one deed
37. Conditions governing the issue of certificates of registered title
38. Certificate of registered title taking place of lost or destroyed deed
39. Certificate of registered title to correct error in registration
40. Certificate of consolidated or amended title of two or more pieces of land
41. [Repealed]
42. Certificate of uniform title
43. Certificate of registered title of portion of a piece of land
43A. Certificate of registered title in respect of land previously held under sectional title
44. Rectification of title by endorsement
45. Transfer or cession by means of endorsement
45bis. Endorsement of deeds on divorce, division of joint estate
Chapter IV : Townships and Settlements
46. Requirements in the case of subdivision of land into lots or erven
46A. Special requirements in the case of subdivision
46B. Section 46 applies mutatis mutandis to land otherwise subdivided
47. Transfer of township or portion thereof
48. Special provisions regarding a bond over land
49. Special provisions regarding townships in the Transvaal
Chapter V : Bonds
50. Execution of bonds
50A. Irrelevant provisions
51. Requirements in case of bonds intended to secure future debts
52. Cession of bond to secure future advances
53. Exclusion of general clause in mortgage bonds
54. No bond to be passed in favour of an agent
55. Requirements in case of bonds passed by or
56. Transfer of hypothecated immovable property
57. Substitution of debtor in respect of a bond
58. Powers in respect of certain property in
59. [Repealed]
60. Consent of bondholder to registration of merger
61. Registration of notarial bonds
62. Where notarial bond is to be registered
Chapter VI : Rights in Immovable Property
63. Restriction on registration of rights in immovable property
64. Certificates of registered real rights
65. Registration of notarial deed creating personal servitude
66. Restriction on registration of personal servitudes
67. Reservation of personal servitudes
68. Registration of lapse of personal servitude
69. Transfer and mortgage of land with personal servitude thereon
69bis. Joint transactions by fiduciary and fidei commissary
70. [Repealed]
71. [Repealed]
72. [Repealed]
73. [Repealed]
73bis. [Repealed]
74. [Repealed]
74bis. [Repealed]
74ter. [Repealed]
75. Creation of praedial servitude by notarial deeds
76. Conditions of registration of praedial servitudes
77. Registration of leases and sub-leases
78. Termination of registered lease
79. Where lease to be registered
80. Cessions of leases and sub-leases
81. Hypothecation of leases and sub-leases
82. Notarial bonds hypothecating leases or sub-leases
83. Hypothecation of and settlement lease after exercise of option to purchase
84. [Repealed]
85. [Repealed]
Chapter VII : Antenuptial Contracts
86. Antenuptial contracts to be registered
87. Manner and time of registration of antenuptial contracts
88. Postnuptial execution of antenuptial agreement
89. Registration of postnuptial contracts
Chapter VIII : Miscellaneous
90. Cancellation of registration on lapse of certain registered rights
91. Transfer and cession not to be passed as security
92. Taxes and transfer duty to be paid before transfer of land
93. Registration of change of name
94. [Repealed]
95. Attestation of powers of attorney executed in the Republic
96. Execution of deeds by prospective owners
97. Notice to registrar of application to court
98. Substituted copy of lost deed supersedes original
99. Exemption from liability for acts or omissions in deeds registry
100. Formal defects
101. Special provisions relating to Vryburg deeds registry
102. Definitions
102A. Repealed
102B. Repealed
103. Repeal of laws
104. Short title and commencement of Act
First Schedule
Laws Repealed
Second Schedule
Deeds Registries Amendment Regulations, 2021
Notice No. R. 474 of 1963 (Reg 1)
Definitions (Regs 2 to 4A)
Deputy and Assistant Registrar (Reg 5)
Registration Divisions and Numbering of Units
Registers and Index (Regs 11 to 17)
Identity of Persons (Regs 18 to 19)
Preparation of Deeds and Documents and Qualification of Persons (Regs 20 to 44A)
Lodgment and Execution of Deeds (Regs 45 to 64)
Powers and certified copies thereof (Reg 65)
Copies of Deeds and Documents (Regs 66 to 70)
Miscellaneous (Regs 71 to 79bis)
Information (Reg 80)
Binding of Records (Reg 81)
Forms and Tariffs (Regs 82 to 86)
Forms and tariffs
Schedule of Fees of Office
[Repealed] Tariff of Fees and Charges prescribed by Regulation 85
Form A(1) [Deleted]
Form A(2) [Deleted]
Form B [Deleted]
Form C [Deleted]
Form D
Form E
Form F
Form G
Form H
Form I
Form J
Form K
Form L
Form M
Form N
Form O
Form P [Deleted]
Form Q
Form R
Form S [Deleted]
Form T
Form U [Deleted]
Form V
Form W
Form X [Deleted]
Form Y [Deleted]
Form Z
Form AA [Deleted]
Form BB [Deleted]
Form CC [Deleted]
Form DD [Deleted]
Form EE [Deleted]
Form FF [Deleted]
Form GG [Deleted]
Form HH [Deleted]
Form II [Deleted]
Form JJ [Deleted]
Form KK
Form LL
Form MM
Form NN [Deleted]
Form OO [Deleted]
Form OO(1) [Deleted]
Form PP
Form QQ
Form RR
Form SS
Form TT
Form UU
Form VV
Form WW
Form XX
Form YY
Form ZZ
Form AAA [Deleted]
Form BBB
Form CCC
Form DDD
Form EEE
Form FFF
Form GGG [Deleted]
Form HHH [Deleted]
Form III
Form JJJ
Form KKK
Regulations relating to the Registration of Leasehold Rights
Notice No. R. 109 of 1989
1. Definitions
2. Preparation of declaration
3. Preparation of certificate of registered right of leasehold
4. Lodgement of documents
Form A : Certificate of Registered Right of Leasehold
Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)
Chapter VI : Rights in Immovable Property
Rights to Minerals
72. [Repealed]
[Section 72 repealed by section 53 of Act No. 24 of 2003]
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