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Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)


Deeds Registries Regulations

Deputy and Assistant Registrar (Reg 5)


5. Every Deputy Registrar and every Assistant Registrar shall have power to do any act or thing which may lawfully be done by the Registrar—
(1) when so required to act by the Registrar whether the latter be present or not, and such Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar may act in any matters assigned to him for disposal by the Registrar while the latter shall be acting in other matters: Provided that if objection is taken to any decision of a Deputy Registrar or an Assistant Registrar, when acting by virtue of this subregulation, there shall be an appeal to the Registrar, who shall have power, if he sees fit, to vary or set aside such decision;
(2) during the absence of the Registrar for any period not exceeding six weeks on leave, duty or from illness or other unavoidable cause.

[Regulation 5 substituted by regulation 1 of Notice No. R. 1105 of 1966]