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Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)


Deeds Registries Amendment Regulations, 2021

Forms and Tariffs


Form V




Certificate of township title


[Issued under the provisions of section forty-six (4) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (47 of 1937)]

Prepared by me






(State full name and surname in block letters)



(Disclose Legal Practice Council Membership Number)



Whereas…………………………………………….has applied for the issue to him/her of a Certificate of Township Title under section forty-six (4) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, and whereas he/she is the registered owner of (here describe the land held under his title deed) under Deed of Transfer (or Grant) No…………..dated ……………………………….. and whereas there is laid out a township called ……………………………………upon a portion of the aforementioned land, hereinafter described;


Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of the said Act, I, the Registrar of Deeds at ………………………….. do hereby certify that the said …………………………………. heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, is the registered owner of certain portion ............................................(describe it) now known as the township of …………………………………… of the farm (quote name, number, registration division, administrative district, and quote the diagram deed and last deed in accordance with regulations) now known as ……………… (insert township name), measuring ................................. as will more fully appear from diagram S.G. ................................ hereunto annexed approved by the Surveyor-General on the .......................................... (here observe the regulations regarding conditions).


And that by virtue of these presents the said …………………………………….. heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, now is and henceforth shall be entitled thereto conformably to local custom, the State, however, reserving its rights.


In witness hereof I, the said Registrar of Deeds, have subscribed to these presents, and have caused the seal of office to be affixed thereto.


Thus done and executed at the Office of the ………………………………………… at ...................................... on this …………………….. day of ……………………………….. in the year of Our Lord, Two thousand ………………………………………………




Registrar of Deeds


(Add a registration clause approved by the Registrar)


[Form V substituted by section 5 of Notice No. R.498, GG44700, dated 11 June 2021 - effective 11 July 2021]