R 385
Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)RegulationsDeeds Registries RegulationsForms and TariffsSchedule of Fees of Office |
(Prescribed by Regulation 84)
Item |
R |
1. |
For services rendered regarding the registration of — |
(a) |
Lodgement fee (excluding RDP Housing) |
50,00 lodgement per deed/ document |
(b) |
A transfer of which the purchase price plus any additional consideration (if any) for such acquisition/the fair value of property, whichever is the greater— |
(i) |
does not exceed R100 000 |
50,00 |
(ii) |
exceeds R100 000 but does not exceed R200 000 |
114,00 |
(iii) |
exceeds R200 000 but does not exceed R300 000 |
727,00 |
(iv) |
exceeds R300 000 but does not exceed R600 000 |
906,00 |
(v) |
exceeds R600 000 but does not exceed R800 000 |
1 275,00 |
(vi) |
exceeds R800 000 but does not exceed R1 000 000 |
1 464,00 |
(vii) |
exceeds R1 000 000 but does not exceed R2 000 000 |
1 646,00 |
(viii) |
exceeds R2 000 000 but does not exceed R4 000 000 |
2 281,00 |
(ix) |
exceeds R4 000 000 but does not exceed R6 000 000 |
2 767,00 |
(x) |
exceeds R6 000 000 but does not exceed R8 000 000 |
3 296,00 |
(xi) |
exceeds R8 000 000 but does not exceed R10 000 000 |
3 853,00 |
(xii) |
exceeds R10 000 000 but does not exceed R15 000 000 |
4 587,00 |
(xiii) |
exceeds R15 000 000 but does not exceed R20 000 000 |
5 510,00 |
(xiv) |
exceeds R20 000 000
7 340,00 |
(c) |
A bond of which the capital amount— |
(i) |
does not exceed R150 000 |
561,00 |
(ii) |
exceeds R150 000 but does not exceed R300 000 |
727,00 |
(iii) |
exceeds R300 000 but does not exceed R600 000 |
906,00 |
(iv) |
exceeds R600 000 but does not exceed R800 000 |
1 275,00 |
(v) |
exceeds R800 000 but does not exceed R1 000 000 |
1 464,00 |
(vi) |
exceeds R1 000 000 but does not exceed R2 000 000 |
1 646,00 |
(vii) |
exceeds R2 000 000 but does not exceed R4 000 000 |
2 281,00 |
(viii) |
exceeds R4 000 000 but does not exceed R6 000 000 |
2 767,00 |
(ix) |
exceeds R6 000 000 but does not exceed R8 000 000 |
3 296,00 |
(x) |
exceeds R8 000 000 but does not exceed R10 000 000 |
3 853,00 |
(xi) |
exceeds R10 000 000 but does not exceed R15 000 000 |
4 587,00 |
(xii) |
exceeds R15 000 000 but does not exceed R20 000 000 |
5 510,00 |
(xiii) |
exceeds R20 000 000 but does not exceed R30 000 000 |
6 422,00 |
(xiv) |
exceeds R30 000 000
9 176,00 |
(d) |
A notarial lease/sub-lease/cession of which the lease consideration/value of the lease: |
(i) |
does not exceed R150 000 |
561,00 |
(ii) |
exceeds R150 000 but does not exceed R300 000 |
727,00 |
(iii) |
exceeds R300 000 but does not exceed R600 000 |
906,00 |
(iv) |
exceeds R600 000 but does not exceed R800 000 |
1 275,00 |
(v) |
exceeds R800 000 but does not exceed R1 000 000 |
1 464,00 |
(vi) |
exceeds R1 000 000 but does not exceed R2 000 000 |
1 646,00 |
(vii) |
exceeds R2 000 000 but does not exceed R4 000 000 |
2 281,00 |
(viii) |
exceeds R4 000 000 but does not exceed R6 000 000 |
2 767,00 |
(ix) |
exceeds R6 000 000 but does not exceed R8 000 000 |
3 296,00 |
(x) |
exceeds R8 000 000 but does not exceed R10 000 000 |
3 853,00 |
(xi) |
exceeds R10 000 000 but does not exceed R15 000 000 |
4 587,00 |
(xii) |
exceeds R15 000 000 but does not exceed R20 000 000 |
5 510,00 |
(xiii) |
exceeds R20 000 000 but does not exceed R30 000 000 |
6 422,00 |
(xiv) |
exceeds R30 000 000
9 176,00 |
(e) |
A cancellation of, or release of a person or property from the operation of a registered mortgage or notarial bond, and an application in terms of section 4(1)(b) of the Act
169,00 |
(f) |
Consent to any other act of registration in relation to the security hypothecated under a registered mortgage bond.
169,00 |
(g) |
Any other registration or annotation in registers or records, including certificates of title and all other registrations which are not exempted by a law or where no purchase price is involved
474,00 |
(h) |
Withdrawal of deed/document lodged for registration (only for account holder requesting such withdrawal and regardless of number of deeds/documents in the batch)
256,00 |
2. |
For a certificate or an affidavit by a registrar of any fact
137,00 |
3. |
(a) |
For a report/supplementary report to Court made by a registrar in terms of section 97 of the Act
702,00 |
(b) |
For a report/supplementary report to Court unilaterally made by a registrar in terms of section 97 of the Act
0.00 |
4. |
(a) |
For a copy of a deed or document through any other electronic system or issued by a registrar in terms of regulations 66, 67, and70
103,00 per copy |
(b) |
For the application and the issuing of a certified copy of a deed in terms of regulation 68(1) |
624,00 per copy
(c) |
For the keeping of a client's copy of a deed, on approval and at discretion of the registrar |
492,00 per copy per year or part thereof |
5. |
(a) |
For an inquiry relating to a person, property or deed |
(b) |
For a deeds office tracking system inquiry |
(c) |
For information regarding the daily transfer of property |
18,00 per property
(d) |
For the supply of registration information in respect of a series of properties |
18,00 per property
(e) |
For the supply of an alphabetical list, in electronic format, containing the names of all the townships, or sectional title schemes, or allotment areas, or agricultural holdings, or farms, in a registration office
291,00 per list |
(f) |
For viewing and/or downloading a deed or document through any electronic system |
103,00 per deed or document
(g) |
For any unattended continuous search for information including the taking of notes, photographs or voice recordings for every 30 minutes or part thereof
(h) |
For any enquiry not specially provided for, a fee to be fixed by the registrar, provided the minimum fee shall be
18,00 |
(i) |
For Statistical and Analytical reports consisting of the following records: Number / Range of Property Records read to produce report |
1 619,00 |
3 104,00 |
4 727,00 |
6 752,00 |
9 455,00 |
13 506,00 |
6. |
For transmitting any certificate, deed, document or any other information by using fax or any other electronic media
103,00 per copy |
7. |
(a) |
For registering as a DeedsWeb user a non-refundable administration fee of |
(b) |
For reconnecting a DeedsWeb user whose service has been suspended because of outstanding debts
291,00 |
(c) |
For subscribing as DeedsWeb user |
18,00 per month |
8. |
For any information, copy or other service referred to in this Schedule, other than the registration of deeds and documents, which may be required for official purposes by the Accounting Officer of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform or her or his delegate, for her or his official purposes.
per item 0,00 |
No fees shall be levied by a registrar in respect of the performance of any act prescribed in section 3(1)(w) of the Act.
[Schedule of Fees of Office amended by Government Notice No. R. 1105 of 8 July 1966, by Government Notice No. R. 1077 of 27 July 1969 and by Government Notice No. R. 2578 of 29 December 1978, substituted by Government Notice No. R. 359 of 26 February 1982 and by Government Notice No. R. 628 of 30 March 1984, amended by Government Notice No. R. 1195 of 30 May 1985 and substituted by Government Notice No. R. 1658 of 30 September 1994 (as corrected by Notice No. 1128 of 14 October 1994), and substituted by Government Notice No. R. 946 of 11 July 1997 and by Government Notice No R.740 of 22 May 1998, amended by Government Notice No R.906 of 3 July 1998 and substituted by Government Notice No. R20444 of 19 February 1999, by Government Notice No. R193 of 25 February 2000, by Government Notice No. R.208 of 28 February 2001, by Government Notice No. R.308 of 28 February 2003, by Government Notice No. R.1115 of 1 October 2004 by Government Notice No. R.1031 of 26 September 2008, by Government Notice No. R198 of 27 February 2009, by Government Notice No. R659 of 2 August 2010, by Government Notice No. R166 of 29 February 2012, by Government Notice No. R241 of 2 April 2013, by Government Notice No. R269 of 31 March 2015, by Government Notice No. R200 of 29 February 2016, by Government Notice No. R175 of 28 February 2017, by Government Notice No. R557 of 31 May 2018, by Government Notice No. R283 of 28 February 2019 and by Government Notice No. 11 of 28 February 2020 and by Government Notice No. R153 of 01 March 2021 and by Government Notice No. R 1802 of 28 February 2022 and by Government Notice No. R3095 of 28 February 2023 and by Government Notice No. R4447 of 29 February 2024.
[Schedule of Fees of Office substituted by Notice No. 5917, GG52191, dated 28 February 2025: Effective 1 April 2025]