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Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957)Chapter VI : The Reserve51. Training of Reserves |
(1) | Members of the Controlled Reserve shall be liable to undergo such training as may be prescribed, or otherwise determined by the Minister, whilst members of the said Reserve who have at any time undergone training of a special nature may, on the directions of the Minister or any person acting under his authority, be required to undergo a refresher course or training: Provided that— |
(a) | the period of such training shall in the aggregate not exceed 30 days; and |
(b) | such refresher course shall not exceed 30 days, in any year which extends from the first day of January to the last day of December. |
[Subsection (1) amended by section 23 of Act No. 134 of 1993]
(2) | The calling up of a person in terms of subsection (1) shall be effected by means of a registered letter addressed to him at his registered address or the address where he happens to be by a prescribed officer or by means of a letter by such an officer served on him personally, and such letter shall state the date on which and the place where training is to be commenced, and such date shall be such and the letter shall be so posted or, as the case may be, so served that he receives reasonable notice of the call-up. |
[Subsection (2) substituted by section 8 of Act No. 132 of 1992]
[Section 51 substituted by section 18 of Act No. 103 of 1982]