R 385
Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957)SchedulesFirst Schedule151. Contempt of military court by person not subject to the code |
(1) | Any person not subject to this Code who in the Republic wilfully causes any disturbance or interruption at any military court or wilfully commits any act calculated or likely to bring such court into contempt, ridicule or disrepute, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two months. |
(2) | Any person who, within the precincts of a military court, commits any act or causes any disturbance or interruption mentioned in subsection (1) may be ordered by the court to be removed from the precincts of the court by any member of the Permanent Force and to be taken into custody and handed over to the South African Police. |