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Defence Act, 2002 (Act No. 42 of 2002)RegulationsRegulations for the Reserve Force, 201716. Format of call-up order |
(1) | A call-up order must at least state— |
(a) | the purpose of the call-up; |
(b) | the time and place where the member must report; |
(c) | the expected duration of the call-up; |
(d) | the travel arrangements to the point of call-up; |
(e) | whether the call-up is for continuous or non-continuous utilisation; and |
(f) | any other information deemed necessary by the member’s commanding officer. |
(2) | Subject to compliance with subregulation (1), a call-up order must be in the general format contained in Annexure C or D, as the case may be. |