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Dental Technicians Act, 1979 (Act No. 19 of 1979)
Notice No. 585 of 1979
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : The South African Dental Technicians Council: Objects, Functions and Powers
2. The South African Dental Technicians Council
3. Objects of council
4. General powers of the council
5. Constitution of council
6. Disqualification, vacation of office and filling of vacancies
7. Office-bearers
8. Meetings of council
9. Quorum and procedure at meetings
10. Executive committee of the council
11. Other committees of council
12. Determination of conditions of employment and tariff of fees
13. Appointment of registrar and staffs
14. Funds of council
15. Rectification of errors and validation of irregular acts
Chapter 2 : Education, Training and Registration of Dental Technicians and Dental Technologists
16. Control of education and training
17. Unregistered persons may not practise or be trained as dental technicians or dental technologists
18. Registration of dental technicians and dental technologists
19. Registration of student dental technicians and student dental technologists
20. Keeping of registers
21. Council may refuse registration
22. Minister may prescribe qualifications required for registration as dental technician or dental technologists
23. Registration subject to restrictions
23A. Restricted registration of informally trained persons
24. Removal of names from, and restoration thereof to, register
25. Custody and publication of registers
26. Receipt as proof
Chapter 3 : Offences and the Control over Artificial Teeth
27. Acts which may be performed only by dentists, clinical dental technologists, dental technicians or dental technologists
28. Dental laboratory assistants
29. Persons who may be owners of dental laboratories or who may conduct or supervise dental laboratories
30. Registration of dental laboratories
31. Appointment, duties and powers of inspectors
32. Discount, commission or remuneration, and direct billing of patient or medical aid scheme
32A. Performance of certain acts or carrying on of certain business by partnership, association or juristic person
33. Trading in and possession of unmounted artificial teeth
34. Register of transactions in unmounted artificial teeth
Chapter 4 : Disciplinary Powers of the Council
35. Inquiry by council into charge of misconduct
36. Matters for, and procedure at, inquiry by council
37. Postponement of imposition, and suspension of execution, of penalty
38. Effect of suspension, or removal from register
39. Cognizance by council of conduct of registered persons under certain circumstances
40. Penalty for false evidence
41. Limitation of liability
42. Acts or omissions in respect of which disciplinary action may be taken
43. Restriction in, or suspension from, practice of registered person
Chapter 5 : General and Supplementary Provisions
44. Penalty for false representation inducing registration, for false entries in register and for impersonation
45. Presumptions
46. Limitations in respect of persons not registered
47. Penalties
48. Forfeiture
49. Annual fees payable to council
50. Regulations
51. Repeal of laws
52. Short title and commencement
Regulations Relating to Unmounted Teeth, 2021: Amendment
Notice No. R. 306 of 1982
1. Definitions
2. Application for a permit
3. Acceptance of an application by the Council
4. Fees payable
5. Conditions
5A. Cancellation of permit and restoration
6. Withdrawal of a permit
7. Register
8. Penalties
9. Withdrawal
Annexure A
Annexure B : Form of Register to be kept by Permit Holders
Regulations relating to the Registration of Dental Laboratories and Related Matters: Amendment, 2022
Notice No. R. 308 of 1982
1. Definitions
2. Registration of Dental Laboratory
3. Application for Registration
4. Registration Fee prescribed in Regulation 11
5. The Registrar
6. Registration of a Laboratory
7. Registration under a Trade Name
8. Particulars regarding the Register kept in terms of Section 30(2) of the Act
9. Cancellation of Registration
10. Cancellation of Registration in terms of Section 30(5)
11. Registration Fees
12. Annual Fees
13. Conditions and Requirements Applicable to Dental Laboratories
14. Registration Certificate
15. Penalties
16. Repeal
[Repealed] Registration and Training of Student Dental Technicians and Student Dental Technologists, 2020
Notice No. 378 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Approval of training institutions: Procedure in accreditation and evaluation of training
3. Duration of accreditation
4. Withdrawal of accreditation
5. Composition of the evaluation panel
6. Registration of student dental technician or dental technologist
7. Information to be supplied by an approved institution
8. Removal of names from register of student dental technicians or dental technologists
9. Minimum curriculum for courses leading to registration as a dental technician
10. Minimum curriculum for courses leading to registration as a dental technologist
11. Syllabus
12. Examinations
13. Completion of academic years of study
14. Proficiency
15. Qualification to practice the profession as dental technician or dental technologist
16. Investigation into education and training at an approved institution
17. Investigation into education and training at approved institution
18. Offences
19. Repeal
20. Short title
Regulations regarding the Registration and Training of Student Dental Technicians and Student Dental Technologists, 2022
Notice No. R. 2248 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Advisory committee
3. Approval of training institutions: Procedure in applying for permission, accreditation and evaluation of training
4. Duration of accreditation
5. Withdrawal of accreditation
6. Composition of the evaluation panel
7. Registration of student dental technician or student dental technologist
8. Information to be supplied by an approved institution
9. Removal of names from register of student dental technicians or student dental technologists
10. Minimum curriculum for courses leading to registration as a dental technician
11. Minimum curriculum for courses leading to registration as a dental technologist
12. Syllabus
13. Examinations
14. Completion of academic years of study
15. Proficiency
16. Qualification to practice the profession as dental technician or dental technologist
17. Evaluation and Investigation into education and training at an approved institution
18. Evaluation of final practical examination question paper, work models and examples of completed tasks
19. Assessment of the final summative practical examinations at approved institution
20. Offences
21. Repeal
22. Short title
Regulations relating to Scope of Professions of Dental Technicians and Health Technologists
Notice No. 2967 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to the profession of dental technician
3. Acts pertaining to the profession of dental technologist
4. General limitations on the professional acts of dental technician and dental technologist
Regulations relating to the conduct of business of the South African Dental Technicians Council and related matters
Notice No. 2968 of 2023
1. Definitions
Chapter l : Meetings of the Council
2. Notification of meetings
3. Procedure at meetings
4. Minutes
5. A meeting of the council may be adjourned or postponed
6. Voting procedure
7. Election of officials
Committees of the Council
8. Composition
9. Quorum and procedure at meetings
Chapter ll
11. Fees and Allowances to Members of the Council and of Committees
10. Repeal of laws
11. Short Title
Regulations relating to scope of profession of Dental Technicians and Dental Technologists
Notice No. R. 3193 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Acts pertaining to the profession of dental technician
3. Acts pertaining to the profession of dental technologist
4. General limitations on the professional acts of dental technician and dental technologist
5. Short Title
Notice regarding Annual Fees Payable to the Council, 2020
Board Notice 51 of 2020
1. Annual fees payable by dental technicians and dental technologists
2. Annual fees payable by permit holders for trading in un-mounted artificial teeth
3. Annual fees payable by dental laboratory assistants
4. Registration fees payable by informally trained persons
5. Application fees for CPD Accreditation Activities
6. to 8. Liability
9. Exemption
10. Fines and Penalties
11. Value added tax
12. Commencement
13. Withdrawal of notice
Annexure A : Fees for 2020
[Repealed] Notice in terms of Section 36(8)(c) of the Dental Technicians Act, 1979
[Repealed] Notice regarding Annual Fees Payable to The Council, 2022
Notice No. 1929 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Annual fees payable by dental technicians and dental technologists
3. Liability
4. Restoration fees
5. Exemption
6. Value-added tax
7. Withdrawal of notice
8. Short title
Notice in terms of Section 36(8)(c) of the Dental Technicians Act, 1979
Notice No. 2225 of 2022
Acts or Omissions of Dental Technicians and Technologists in respect of which the Council may take Disciplinary Action
Notice No. 2898 of 2022
1. Definitions
4. Relationships with colleagues and other health professionals
5. Information on professional stationery
6. Tendering for dental technology work
7. Limitation of employment
8. Collection of moneys and receipt of remuneration
9. General
10. Defeating or obstructing the council in the performance of its duties
11. Canvassing for dental technology work
[Repealed] Notice regarding Annual Fees Payable to the Council, 2023
Notice No. 3073 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Annual fees payable by dental technicians and dental technologists
3. Liability
4. Restoration fees
5. Exemption
6. Value-added tax
7. Repeal of notice
8. Short title
Notice Regarding Annual Fees Payable to the Council, 2024
Notice No. 4515 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Annual fees payable by dental technicians and dental technologists
3. Liability
4. Restoration fees
5. Exemption
6. Value-added tax
7. Withdrawal of notice
8. Short title
Board Notices
Conditions of Employment of Dental Technicians who are Employees
Board Notice 13 of 2012
1. Definitions
2. Remuneration
3. Payment Of Salaries
4. Ordinary Hours of Work
5. Overtime
6. Public Holidays
7. Paid Leave
8. Sick Leave
9. Maternity Leave
10. Family Responsibility
11. Overcoats and Protective Clothing
12. Limitation of Employment
13. Termination of Employment
14. Registration of Employees
15. Certificates of Service
16. Exemptions
17. Existing Contracts
18. Attendance of Meetings by Employees
1. Definitions
2. The Pension Fund
3. Membership
4. Application for Membership, Evidence of Age and Health
5. Contributions by Employers and Employees
6. Management and Administration
7. Exemptions
means an inquiry in terms of
section 35
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