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Dental Technicians Act, 1979 (Act No. 19 of 1979)RegulationsRegulations regarding the Registration and Training of Student Dental Technicians and Student Dental Technologists, 202210. Minimum curriculum for courses leading to registration as a dental technician |
(a) | The period of professional study in dental technology must be from the date of registration as a student dental technician, at an approved institution until the date on which the qualification, entitling such student dental technician to register as a dental technician, is awarded, or until such time as a National Professional Examination when available, has been passed. |
(b) | The period referred to in paragraph (a) must consist of at least the minimum time prescribed for that qualification level as it appears on the NQSF, inclusive of both academic training at an approved institution and work integrated learning. |
(c) | A student dental technician may not be allowed to complete a three-year Diploma in Dental Technology in more than five years or an Advanced Diploma in more than two years. |
(d) | In the event where a student dental technician enrols on the Extended Curriculum Programme, a further one year must be allowed over and above the time period contemplated in regulation (1)(c). |
(2) | All subjects must, from the first year of study, be aimed at training in dental technology and the professional development of a student dental technician. |
(3) | The syllabus for professional study for any of the Council approved qualifications at any of the NQSF levels must consist of systematic instruction and, where applicable, practical work, and must cover the following: |
(a) | all aspects of modern dental technology that are benchmarked internationally; |
(b) | dental materials science appropriate to the aspects referred to in paragraph (a) and underpinned by the appropriate applied and biosciences; |
(c) | dental technology and other related legislation that impacts on the profession of dental technology practising as a dental technician; |
(d) | professional conduct and bioethics; and |
(e) | profession-specific and work-integrating learning, aimed at preparing students for the world of work in general, but focused on the profession of dental technology, which must enable student dental technicians to successfully participate as employees in a registered dental laboratory. |