R 385
Designs Act, 1993 (Act No. 195 of 1993)RegulationsDesigns Regulations, 1999Schedule 2 : Form D14 |
Form D14
In the Supreme Court application for revocation
(Section 31 - Regulation 43 and 44)
(Lodge in duplicate)
Design No.: |
Date of lodgement: |
Full name(s) of registered proprietor(s): |
Full name of applicant: |
Type of design |
Part A |
Part F |
Grounds for revocation:
Documents lodged in support:
TAKE NOTICE THAT the applicant seeks an order-
(a) | ....................................................................................................………............................... |
(b) | ...............................................................................................................……….................... |
(c) | .................................................................................................. and that the accompanying affidavit of ...................................... will be used in support thereof. |
TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that the applicant has appointed the address for service set forth below at which he will accept notice and service of all process in these proceedings.
TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that if you intend opposing these proceedings you are required
(a) | to notify the above court, the applicant and the registrar of designs in writing on or before the ......................; |
(b) | within two months after such notice of your intention to oppose the proceedings, to file your answering affidavits, if any; and you are further required to appoint in such notification an address for service at which you will accept notice and service of all documents in these proceedings. |
If no such notice of intention to oppose be given, the application will be made on .................................. at .......................... (time).
Dated at ................................ this
day of ............................ 19 ........
Address for service:
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Lodgement of this document/accompanying documents is acknowledged. |
Official date stamp
.......................................... |
AND TO: (Name interested party/parties)