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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)NoticesCovid-19 Temporary Relief Scheme, 20201. Definitions |
1.1 | In these Directives, unless the context otherwise indicates— |
1.1.1 | "UI Act" |
means the Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 63 of 2001) as amended and any word or expression to which the meaning has been assigned in the Act has that meaning;
1.1.2 | "COVID-19" |
means the 2019 coronavirus (SARSCOV2/COVID-19);
1.1.3 | "COVID-19 National Disaster" |
means a national disaster relating to the Covid-19 pandemic declared in Government Notice No. 313 of Government Gazette No. 42096 on 15 March 2020;
1.1.4 | "Quarantine" |
means separating a symptomatic individual potentially exposed to a disease from non exposed individuals in such a manner so as to prevent possible spread infection or contamination;
1.1.5 | "Covid -19 temporary employee / employer relief scheme" |
means a scheme established to compensate employees who have lost income due to Covid-19; and
1.1.6 | "Scheme" |
means the Covid-19 temporary relief scheme.
[Definition inserted by Notice No. 240, GG43216, dated 8 April 2020]
1.1.7 | "temporary lay-off" |
means a reduction in work following a temporary closure of business operations, whether total or partial, due to Covid-19 pandemic for the period of the National Disaster.
[Definition renumbered and substituted by Notice No. 240, GG43216, dated 8 April 2020]
1.1.8 | "Bargaining council" |
means a bargaining council or statutory council registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995).
[Definition inserted by section 1 of Notice No.R.541, GG43330, dated 15 May 2020]
1.1.9 | "Entity" |
means any juristic person that in terms of its articles of association or constitution has employees or employers as members and is permitted to pay COVID-19 benefits to employees directly or indirectly through its employer members.
[Definition inserted by section 1 of Notice No.R.541, GG43330, dated 15 May 2020]
1.1.10 | "Worker" |
(a) | a contributor; or |
(b) | an employee as defined in the UI Act who should have received benefits under this Directive but for circumstances beyond that employee's control, namely that the employer failed to— |
(i) | the register as an employer in contravention of section 10(1) of the Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002 (Act No. 4 of 2002); |
(ii) | provide details relating to the employees in contravention of section 10(3) of that Act and accordingly not registered as contributors; or |
(iii) | pay the contributions contemplated in section 5(1) of that Act in respect of that employee. |
[Definition inserted by section 1 of Notice No.R.595, GG43353, dated 26 May 2020]