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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)
Notice No. 58 of 2003
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Application and
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Administration of Act
Chapter 2 : Intergovernment structures and Policy ...
4. Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management
5. National Disaster Management Advisory Forum
6. National disaster management framework
7. Contents of national disaster management framework
Chapter 3 : National Disaster Management
Part 1 : National Disaster Management Centre
8. Establishment
9. Objective
10. Appointment of Head
11. Acting Head
12. Responsibilities of Head
13. Staff
14. Delegation or assignment
Powers and duties of National Centre
15. General powers and duties
16. Communication links with disaster management role-players
17. Disaster management information system
18. Gathering of information
19. Disaster management plans and strategies
20. Prevention and mitigation
21. Monitoring, measuring performance and ...
22. Giving of advice and guidance
23. Classification and recording of disasters
24. Annual reports
Part 2 : Powers and duties of national government
25. Preparation of disaster management plans
26. Responsibilities in event of national disaster
27. Declaration of national state of disaster
Chapter 4 : Provincial Disaster Management
Part 1 : Provincial disaster management framework
28. Provincial disaster management framework
Part 2 : Provincial disaster management centres
29. Establishment
30. Powers and duties
31. Head of provincial disaster management centre
31A. Staff of provincial disaster management centre
32. Assistance to National Centre
33. Prevention and mitigation
34. Monitoring, measuring performance and evaluating disaster management plans and preventi
35. Disasters occurring or threatening to occur in provinces
36. Annual reports
Part 3 : Powers and duties of provincial government
37. Provincial disaster management advisory forum
38. Preparation of disaster management plans
39. Disaster management plans for provinces
40. Responsibilities in event of provincial disaster
41. Declaration of provincial state of disaster
Chapter 5 : Municipal Disaster Management
Part 1 : Municipal disaster management framework
42. Municipal disaster management framework
Part 2 : Municipal disaster management centres
43. Establishment
44. Powers and duties
45. Head of municipal disaster management centre
45A. Staff of municipal disaster management centre
46. Assistance to National Centre and provincial disaster management centre
47. Prevention and mitigation
48. Monitoring, measuring performance and evaluating disaster management plans
49. Disaster occurring or threatening to occur in municipal areas
50. Annual reports
Part 3 : Powers and duties of municipal organs of state
51. Municipal disaster management advisory forum
52. Preparation of disaster management plans ...
53. Disaster management plans for municipal areas
54. Responsibilities in event of local disaster
55. Declaration of local state of disaster
Chapter 6 : Funding of post-disaster recovery
56. Guiding principles
57. National contributions to alleviate effects of local and provincial disasters
Chapter 7 : Disaster Management Volunteers
58. Disaster
Chapter 8 : Miscellaneous
59. Regulations
60. Offences
61. Indemnity
62. Scope of assistance by organs of state
63. Phasing in of certain provisions of Act
64. Repeal of Act 67 of 1977
65. Short title and commencement
Disaster Management Volunteer Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 1215 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Establishment or disestablishment of unit of volunteers
3. Command structure of unit of volunteers
4. Components within unit of volunteers
5. Requirements for volunteers
6. Recruitment of volunteers
7. Records to be kept and processed by municipal ...
8. National corporate identity for South African volunteers
9. Training of volunteers
10. Training institutions and training provided
11. Rendering of service
12. Suitable clothing
13. Equipment issued to volunteers
14. Emblem to be worn by volunteers
15. Defraying of expenses incurred by volunteers
16. Transfer of volunteers
17. Termination of volunteer's membership
18. General
19. Offences
20. Short title
Annexure A(1) : Application for enrolment as a ...
Annexure A(2) : Undertaking/Code of Conduct
Annexure A(3) : Consent by Parent or Guardian
Annexure B : Health questionnaire for disaster ...
Annexure C : Disaster Management Volunteer Identity Card
Annexure D : Apparel for a volunteer
Annexure E : Apparel for a component leader
[Repealed] Regulations Issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002
Notice No. 318 of 2020
Chapter 1
1. Definitions
1A. Application of Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. Release of resources
3. Prevention and prohibition of gatherings
4. Refusal of medical examination, prophylaxis, treatment, isolation and quarantine
5. Places of quarantine and isolation
6. Closure of schools and partial care facilities
7. Suspension of visits
8. Limitation on the sale, dispensing or transportation of liquor
9. Emergency Procurement Procedures
10. Authority to issue directions
11. Offences and penalties
Chapter 2
11A. Definitions
11B. Restriction on the movement of persons and goods
11C. Prohibition of public transport
11CA. Prohibition on evictions
11D. Resources by the State during lockdown
11E. Loss or damage
11F. Powers and indemnity
11G. Offences and penalties
12. Commencement
Chapter 3
11H. Contract tracing
11I. Offences and penalty
Chapter 4
11J. Energy and petroleum products supply
11K. Mining Operations
Annexure A : Order for a Person to go to a Site of Isolation, Quarantined Facility, or for a Person to go for Medical Examination (Regulation 5(2))
Annexure B : Categorisation of Essential Goods and Services during lockdown (Regulation 11A)
Annexure C - Forms
Form 1-Permit to Perform Essential Service (Regulation 11B(3))
Form 2-Permit to Travel to another Metropolitan Area, District or Province (Regulation 11B(8)(d))
Form 3-Sworn Affidavit by person who wishes to attend a funeral in another Metropolitan area, District or Province (Regulation 11B(8)(d))
Form 4-Declaration by buyer of Hardware Products or Motor-Components (Regulation 11B(1)(g))
Annexure D : Places and Premises Closed to the Public (Regulation 11B(4))
COGTA COVID-19 Disaster Response Directions, 2020
Notice No. R. 399 of 2020
1. Background
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. Authorisation
5. Definitions
6. Directions
7. Short title and commencement
COVID-19 Directions in respect of Department of Social Development, SASSA and National Development Agency
Notice No. R. 430 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Authority
4. Scope
4A. Release from Facilities
5. Application
6. Directions
7. Commencement
Annexure A
Form 3 : Permit for the Movement of Children to Travel to another Province/Metropolitan Area/District
Regulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 480 of 2020
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Application
1. Definitions
2. Repeal and transitional provisions
3. Determination of Alert Level
Chapter 2 : General Provisions Applicable during National State of Disaster
4. Authority to issue directions
5. General measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
6. Refusal of treatment and isolation
7. Isolation of persons
8. COVID-19 Database
9. Release of resources
10. Shelters and sites identified by the State during national state of disaster
11. Emergency Procurement Procedures
12. Powers and indemnity
13. Resolution of disputes
14. Offences and penalties
Chapter 3 : Adjusted Alert Level 4
15. Application of Adjusted Alert Level
15A. Notification by district municipalities
15B. Mandatory protocols when in a public place
16. Compliance officers
17. Movement of persons
18. Opening and closure of schools, early childhood development centres and institutions of higher education
19. Initiation practices
20. Attendance of funerals and cremations
21. Gatherings
22. Eviction and demolition of places of residence
23. Rental Housing
24. Places and premises closed to the public
25. Controlled visits by members of the public
26. Partial re-opening of borders
27. Transportation of cargo
28. Public transport
29. Sale, dispensing or transportation of liquor
30. Operation of economic sectors
31. Offences and penalties
Chapter 4 : Adjusted Alert Level 3
32. Application of Alert Level
32A. Notification by district municipalities
33. Movement of Persons
33A. Opening and closure of schools, early childhood development centres and institutions of higher education
34. Mandatory protocols when in a public place
35. Attendance of funerals and cremations
36. Gatherings
37. Eviction and demolition of places of residence
38. Rental Housing
39. Places and premises closed to the public
40. Initiation practices
41. Controlled visits by members of the public
42. Partial re-opening of borders
42A. Transportation of cargo
43. Public Transport
44. Sale, dispensing and transportation of liquor
45. Operation of economic sector
46. Compliance officers
47. Offences and penalties
Chapter 5 : Adjusted Alert Level 2
49. Application of Alert Level
49A. Notification by district municipalities
50. Movement of persons
50A. Opening and closure of schools, early childhood development centres and institutions of higher education
51. Mandatory protocols when in a public place
52. Attendance of funerals and cremations
53. Gatherings
54. Eviction and demolition of places of residence
55. Rental housing
56. Places and premises closed to the public
57. Initiation practices
58. Controlled visits by members of the public
59. Partial re-opening of borders
59A. Transportation of cargo
60. Public transport
61. Sale, dispensing and transportation of liquor
62. Operation of economic sector
63. Compliance officers
64. Offences and penalties
Chapter 6 : Adjusted Alert Level 1
65. Application of Alert Level
65A. Notification by district municipalities
[Repealed] 66. Movement of persons
66A. Opening and closure of schools, early childhood development centres and institutions of higher education
67. Mandatory protocols when in a public place
68. Attendance of funerals and cremations
69. Gatherings
70. Eviction and demolition of places of residence
71. Rental housing
72. Places and premises closed to the public
73. Initiation practices
74. Controlled visits by members of the public
75. Partial re-opening of borders
75A. Transportation of cargo
76. Public Transport
77. Sale, dispensing of alcohol at venues hosting sporting and cultural events
78. Operation of economic sector
79. Compliance officers
80. Offences and penalties
[Deleted] Chapter 7 : Hotspots
Chapter 8 : COVID-19 Vaccine Injury No-Fault Compensation Scheme
88. Definitions
89. Establishment of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury No-Fault Compensation Scheme
90. Administration of the Scheme
91. Financial management and oversight of the Scheme
91A. Governance and Oversight
92. Adjudication Panel and Appeal Panel
93. Eligibility
94. Compensation
95. Submission of claims and procedure
96. Effect of submission of claims on right to claim damages in court proceedings
97. Causality determination
98. Adjudication of claims
99. Appeal
100. Duration and termination of Scheme
101. Condonation
102. Contact details of Scheme
Table 1 : Adjusted Alert Level 4
Table 2 : Adjusted Alert Level 3
Table 3 : Adjusted Alert Level 2
Table 4 : Adjusted Alert Level 1
Annexure A : Forms
Form 1 : Order for a Person to go to a site of Isolation, or for a Person to go for Medical Examination
Form 2 : Permit to Perform an Essential or Permitted Service
Form 3 : Permit for the Movement of Children to Travel to another Province/Metropolitan Area/District
Form 3A : Certificate for learners or students to travel to another province/metropolitan area/district
Form 3B : Permit to transport learners or students to another province/metropolitan area/district
Form 4 : Permit to Travel to and from Gauteng other for a Funeral
Form 5 : Sworn Affidavit by person who wishes to attend a Funeral in another Province/Metropolitan Area/District
Form 6 : Sworn affidavit by person who intends to travel to or from another province during Adjusted Alert Level 4
Form 7 : Permit to Travel to Perform a Service
Annexure B : Essential Goods for Import
Annexure C : Permitted Goods for Export
Annexure D : Essential Services
Annexure E : Workplace Plans
Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Regulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Act - Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Notice No. R. 3095 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Objects
3. Cooperation between spheres of government
4. General measures to address the effects of the disaster and prevent escalation of severe electricity supply constraint
5. Authority to issue directions
6. Emergency procurement procedures
7. Commencement
List of Essential Infrastructure
Classification of a Disaster: Western Cape Province
Notice No. 640 of 2008
Notice No. 5252 of 2024
Classification of a Disaster: Gauteng Province
Notice No. 641 of 2008
Reclassification of Provincial Disasters as a National Disaster : Drought
Notice No. 107 of 2018
Declaration of a National State of Disaster : Drought
Notice No. 243 of 2020
Extension of a National State of Disaster : Drought
Notice No. 632 of 2020
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Disaster Management Act (Act No. 57 of 2002): Drought
Notice No. 638 of 2021
Directions on the determination of the commencement of services and extension for the validity period of learner's licences, driving licence cards, licence discs, professional driving permits and the registration of motor vehicles
Notice No. 544 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Provision of improved access and hygiene, disinfection control on driving licence testing centres, registering authorities, vehicle testing stations and driving schools
6. Validity period of licences
7. Resumption of services
8. Repeal of directions
9. Short title and commencement
Directions to Permit Travel and Recommencement of Studies for Final Year Medical Students registered at South African Public Universities during the Academic Year 2020
Notice No. 591 of 2020
Gauteng Province Flooding
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act : Impact of the Gauteng Province Flooding Incidents
Notice No. 2954 of 2023
Severe Weather Events
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Disaster Management Act 2002
Notice No. 1023 of 2021
Notice No. R. 2013 of 2022
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Disaster Management Act 2002
Notice No. R. 1687 of 2022
Reclassification of Provincial Disaster as a national disaster
Notice No. R. 2028 of 2022
Declaration of a National State of Disaster
Notice No. R. 2029 of 2022
Extension of a National State of Disaster (Impact of Severe Weather Events)
Notice No. R. 2294 of 2022
Impact of Severe Weather in KwaZulu-Natal
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act
Notice No. 4034 of 2023
Impact of Severe Weather in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act
Notice No. 4035 of 2023
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Free State
Notice No. 4231 of 2023
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Country
Notice No. 4269 of 2024
Classification of a Local Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in KwaZulu-Natal
Notice No. 4890 of 2024
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impace of Severe Weather in the Free State
Notice No. 4891 of 2024
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Country
Notice No. 4963 of 2024
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Western Cape
Notice No. 5045 of 2024
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Country
Notice No. 5517 of 2024
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Impact of Severe Weather in the Country
Notice No. 5813 of 2025
Tropical Storm Eloise
Declaration of a National State of Disaster
Notice No. 117 of 2021
Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Classification of National Disaster: Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Notice No. 3019 of 2023
Declaration of a National State of Disaster: Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Notice No. 3020 of 2023
Directions regarding the Communications and Digital Technologies Sector
Notice No. 3206 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Directions to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
4. Commencement
Termination of the National State of Disaster (Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraint)
Notice No. R. 3265 of 2023
Revocation of the Classification of the Severe Electricity Supply Constraint as a National Disaster
Notice No. R. 3266 of 2023
Floods due to Inclement Weather
Declaration of a National State of Disaster: Floods due to inclement weather
Notice No. 3036 of 2023
Mine Sludge Flooding Incident: Jagersfontein
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of section 23 of the Act: Impact of a Mine Sludge Flooding Incident: Jagersfontein
Notice No. 2514 of 2022
Strong Winds in KwaZulu-Natal
Classification of a Provincial Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act: Strong Winds in KwaZulu-Natal
Notice No. 5120 of 2024
Foodborne Illness
Classification of a National Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Act
Notice No. 5557 of 2024
Directions relating to Mineral, Resources and Energy to provide guidance on the implementation of provisions of the Regulations relating to permitted goods and services during COVID-19 Lockdown
Notice No. 542 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
Annexure : List of Functionaries
Classification of a National Disaster COVID-19
Notice No. 312 of 2020
Declaration of a National State of Disaster COVID-19
Notice No. 313 of 2020
COVID-19 Temporary Relief Scheme, 2020
Notice No. 215 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Covid-19 Employee / Employer Temporary Relief Scheme (C19 TERS)
4. Illness benefit
5. Application procedure
6. Short title
7. Commencement
[Repealed] National Ports Act (COVID-19 Restrictions on the Movement of Persons and Crew) Directions, 2020
Notice No. 216 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Prohibition of cruise ships calling at any of the sea ports
5A. Prohibition of Passenger Vessels visiting South African Sea Ports
6. Provision of improved access and hygiene, sterilization control on ships, sea ports and in licensed port operations
7. Implementation of a reporting, tracking, tracing and monitoring system at sea ports
8. Offences
9. Short title and commencement
Public Transport Services Directions, 2020
Notice No. 412 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
2. Purpose of Directions
3. Application of the directions
4. Provision of improved access and hygiene, disinfection control on all public transport facilities
5. International, Domestic passenger flight, Evacuation, Repatriation and Technical flights Technical flights
5A. Airport and airlines
5B. General Aviation
5C. [Deleted] Aviation training (Part 141 and 109 of the Civil Aviation Regulation, 2011)
5D. Compliance with the measures for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19
6. Prohibition of service of certain public transport during lockdown
7. Prohibition of standing in a public transport vehicle
8. Loading capacity of Road Public Transport (Sedan, MiniBus, MidiBus)
9. Enforcement of these regulations
10. Offences
11. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] Declaration of Essential Services for the purposes of COVID-19
Notice No. 431 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Cross-Border Road Transport Special Dispensation (COVID-19 Restrictions on the movement of Cross-Border Road Transport Passengers) Directions, 2020
Notice No. 413 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of the directions
5. Prohibition to provide cross-border road transport
6. Offences
7. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] Preventative Measures in the Railway Operations (COVID-19 Control Measures on the Operations by Rail) Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 414 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Development of COVID-19 Management Plan
6. Health and Awareness
7. Procedures at hand-over points, loading points and terminals depots
8. Provision of hygiene, screening equipment and disinfection control at the train stations, terminals and hand-over facilities
9. Prohibition of overcrowding and overloading of trains
10. Reporting to the Railway Safety Regulator and the relevant authorities
11. Oversight responsibilities by Railway Safety Regulator
12. Ceasing of passenger and commuter Rail Operations
13. Offences
14. Short title and commencement
[Withdrawn] International Air Services (COVID-19 Restrictions on the movement of Air Travel) Directions, 2020
Notice No. 415 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. International and domestic passenger flights
6. Air Cargo
7. Provision of improved access and hygiene, disinfection control at International Airports Designated as Ports of Entry
8. Oversight responsibilities by South African Civil Aviation Authority
9. Responsibilities by Airport Company South Africa
10. Responsibilities by Air Traffic and Navigation Services
11. Offences
12. Amendment of Directions
13. Short title and commencement
Appendix 1 - Countries Impacted by South Africa's Travel Restrictions
Fourteenth Amendment Directions : Temporary measures in respect of Entry into or Exit out of the Republic to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Notice No. 416 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Authority
4. Application
5. [Repealed] Withdrawal of Visas
6. Suspension of Visa Exemptions
7. Refusal of Visas
8. Refusal of Admission for Foreigners
9. Admission of Citizens and Permanent Residents
10. Transit of Foreigners through the Republic
11. Departure of Foreigners from the Republic
12. Visa Concessions for Foreigners inside the Republic
13. Airline Crew Members and Emergency Medical Rescue
14. Diplomats
15. Travel Restrictions for Citizens and Permanent Residents
16. Opening and Closure of some Ports of Entry
17. National Lock-down
17A. Entry into or Exit from Republic for Emergency Medical Attention for Life-Threatening Condition
17B. Entry by South African Citizens or Permanent Residents and Exit by Foreigners to be Repatriated to Countries of Nationality or Permanent Residence
17C. Officials of International Organisations
17D. Services to be Rendered by Department of Home Affairs
17E. Services to be Rendered by Department of Home Affairs under Alert Level 3
17F. Services to be Rendered by Department of Home Affairs under Alert Level 2
17G. [Repealed] Services to be rendered by Department of Home Affairs under Alert Level 1
17H. Services to be rendered by Department of Home Affairs
18. Passenger Manifest
19. Extension of Validity Period of Asylum Seeker Permit and Refugee Status
20. Extension of Validity Period of Lesotho Special Permit
21. Declaration of Undesirability
22. [Repealed] Visits to Lindela Holding Facility
23. [Repealed] Applications for Entry into South Africa
23A. [Repealed] Applications for Business Travel
Short title and commencement
Annexure A : List of Closed Ports of Entry
Electronic Communications, Postal and Broadcasting Directions
Notice No. 417 of 2020
1. Interpretation
2. Scope
3. Application
4. Purpose
5. Interventions
6. Availability of Communications and Digital Services
7. Type Approval
8. Individual Track and Trace
9. Support to Education Sector
10. Support to Health Sector
11. Roles of State-Owned Entities
12. Prohibition on Price Increment and Mobile Number Portability
13. Commencement
[Repealed] Directions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in all Courts, Court Precincts and Justice Service Points in the Republic
Notice No. 418 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Restricted access to the court precinct and all justice service points
3. Postponements of Criminal Cases and related matters
4. Social Distancing
5. Civil Cases
6. Legal Aid
7. Services of Offices of the Master
8. Family Law Services
9. Travel by officers of court during period of lockdown
10. The issuing of certificates to perform essential services
11. Safety measures at courts, court precincts and justice service points during period of lockdown
12. Exclusion
[Repealed] Forestry, Fisheries and Environmental Directions to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Notice No. R. 439 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose
4. Application
5. Directions
[Repealed] Directions : All Courts, Court Precincts and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 440 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Restricted access to the court, court precinct and all justice service points
3. Postponements of criminal cases and related matters
4. Social distancing
5. Civil Cases
6. Legal Aid
7. Services of Offices of the Master
8. Family Law Services
9. Travel by officers of court during lockdown
10. The issuing of certificates to perform essential services
11. Safety measures at courts, court precincts and justice service points during the period of the state of national disaster
12. Exclusion
13. Withdrawal
14. Commencement
[Repealed] Tourism Guidelines on implementation of provisions relating to essential services
Notice No. 235 of 2020
1.1. Definitions
1.2. Purpose
2. Directions
3. Direction in relation to the establishments that are providing services to airline crew members
4. Commencement
Small Business Development on implementation of provisions relating to essential services
Notice No. R. 450 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Mandatory Identification required by Staff working during the Lockdown Period
3. Contact Details in the event of Small Businesses wishing to clarify their status as rendering essential services or providing essential goods
4. Commencement
Annexure C : Form 1
Directions extending the validity period of operating licences and accreditation certificates (COVID-19)
Notice No. 454 of 2020
[Repealed] Directions from the Department of Health to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in South Africa
Notice No. 457 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Recruitment and Training of Human Resources
3. Deployment of Human Resources
4. Sourcing of Human Resources from the Expanded Public Works Programme, Retired Health Professionals, Community Based Organisation and Non-Governmental Organisations to Render Services in Identified Sites
5. Provision of Health Equipment, Sanitation Materials and Medical Supplies
6. Disposal waste and sanitation of equipment from quarantine or treatment facility
7. Identification and establishment of mortuaries that will accommodate all COVID-19 mortal remains
8. Disposal of COVID-19 mortal remains
9. Visitor from outside South Africa
10 - 11. General
[Repealed] Directions regarding Call Centres providing essential services
Notice No. R. 459 of 2020
1. Interpretation
2. Purpose of these Directions
3. Background
4. Call Centres providing essential services to international markets
5. Conditions applicable to call centres
6. Commencement
[Repealed] Directions in Correctional Centres and Remand Detention facilities during COVID-19
Notice No. 460 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates
3. Referral of remand detainees to court for review of bail and consideration of length of detention
4. Communication between inmates and legal representatives
5. Duration and commencement
Gatherings related to Sport, Arts and Culture Activities
Notice No. 461 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Scope and Application
4. Authorisation
5. Extension of term of Office of Councils and Boards of Public Entities
6. Resumption of Sport, Arts and Cultural Activities
6A. Resumption of Sporting Activities
6B. Screening and Testing of Players and Support Staff
6C. Disinfection and Cleaning of the Sporting Venue
6D. Control Measures
6E. Monitoring and Compliance
6F. Appointment of Compliance Officer
6G. [Deleted] Resumption of Sporting Activities Procedure
6H. [Deleted] Appeals
6I. Closing and opening of places or premises to public
6J. [Deleted] Concerts and Live Performances
7. Short title and Commencement
Annexure A : Non-Contact Sport
Annexure B : Codes allowed to Train
[Deleted] Annexure C : Resumption of Sporting Activities including Professional and Non-Professional Matches
Directions regarding provisions for essential goods and services
Notice No. R. 462 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose
4. Application
5. Directions
6. Commencement
Water and Sanitation Emergency Procurement COVID-19 Disaster Response Directions, 2020
Notice No. 464 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of Directions
3. Scope
4. Purpose of Directions
5. National Disaster Water Command Centre
6. Interventions in Implementation of Directions
7. Nature of Goods and Services
8. Emergency Procurement
9. Implementation Protocol
10. Distribution of Water and Sanitation Resources
11. Short Title and Commencement
Directive: Guidance on the procurement and delivery of essential goods and services for Higher Education Institutions
Notice No. R. 468 of 2020
1. Definition
2. Authority
3. Purpose
4. Directive relating to Essential Goods and Services for institutions in the higher education and training, and science, technology and innovation sectors
5. Commencement
Directions on the Once-Off Movement of Persons during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 482 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. The once-off movement of persons
4. Short title and commencement
Directions on Once-Off Long Distance Inter-Provincial Transport during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 483 of 2020
Directions on the Risk-Adjusted Strategy for the Communications and Digital Technologies Sector
Notice No. 484 of 2020
1. Interpretation
2. Risk-Adjusted Strategy
3. Mitigation measures – Alert Levels 3, 4 and 5 as adjusted
[Deleted] 3A. Opening of Communications and Digital Technologies Sectors and mitigation measures - Alert Level 3
4. Monitoring and compliance
5. Commencement
Direction by the Minister of Finance in terms of Essential Financial Services during COVID-19 Alert Level 4
Notice No. 487 of 2020
[Repealed] Directions relating to All Courts, Court Precincts and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa during Alert Level 4
Notice No. R. 489 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Withdrawal
3. Directions issued by Heads of Court
4 - 7. Restriction of services and access to a court room, court house or justice service point
8 - 16. Postponement of criminal cases and related matters
17 - 21. Civil Cases
22. Foreign language interpreters
23. Legal Aid
24 - 28. Resolution of disputes
29. Other services permitted under Alert Level 4 as provided in the Annexure
30. Travel by officers of court
31 - 35. Issuing of permits
36 - 38. Safety measures at courts, court houses and justice service points during the period of the state of national disaster
39. Exclusion
40. Commencement
Annexure 1 : Permitted services in terms of Alert Level 4
Directions relating to Live Streaming of the Creative Sector Services during COVID-19 Alert Level 4
Notice No. 490 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Mitigation measures
4. Scope and Application
5. Authorisation
6. Live Streaming of the Creative Sector Services in support of COVID-19
7. General measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 during live streaming
8. Commencement
[Repealed] Measures to Address, Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19: Determination of extension for the validity period of a learner's licence, driving licence card, licence disc, professional driving permit and registration of a motor vehicle Direc
Notice No. 491 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Provision of Improved Access and Hygiene, Disinfection Control on all Driving Licence Testing Centres and Vehicle Testing Centres
6. Validity Period of Licences
7. Repeal of Directions
8. Short Title and Commencement
Measures to Address, Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID19: Air Freight Operations Directions, 2020
Notice No. 492 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of Directions
5. Charter Flights
6. Compliance with Disinfection Measures
7. Engineers and Ground Staff, Inspections and Servicing of Aircraft at Hangars
8. Aviation Training
9. Exemptions and Approvals
10. Short Title and Commencement
[Repealed] Measures to Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19: Public Transport Services Directions, 2020
Notice No. 493 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of the Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Provision of Improved Access and Hygiene, Disinfection Control on all Public Transport Facilities
6. Embarkation of Passengers in Public Transport Vehicles
7. Inter-provincial public transport
8. Public Transport Operation
9. Loading Capacity of Public Transport Vehicles (sedan, e-hailing, meter taxis, shuttle services, chauffer driven vehicles, minibus, midibus and buses)
10. Validity Period for all Public Transport operating Licences and Accreditation Certificates for Tourist Transport Services
11. Enforcement of these Directions
12. Repeal of Directions
13. Short Title and Commencement
[Withdrawn] Preventative Measures in the Railway Operations (COVID-19 Control Measures on the Operations by Rail) Directions, 2020
Notice No. 494 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Development of COVID-19 Management Plan
6. Health and Awareness
7. Procedures at hand-over points, loading points and terminals depots
8. Provision of access, hygiene, screening equipment and disinfection control at train stations, terminals and hand-over facilities
9. Prohibition of overcrowding and overloading of trains
10. Reporting to the Railway Safety Regulator and the relevant authorities
11. Oversight responsibilities by Railway Safety Regulator
12. Long-distance Rail Services
13. Rail Services
14. Operating times
15. Declaration of essential service
16. Repeal of Directions
17. Short title and commencement
[Withdrawn] Measures to Address, Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19 in the Sea Ports Directions, 2020
Notice No. 496 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of the Directions
5. Provision of improved access and hygiene, sterilization control on ships, sea ports and in licensed port operations
6. Foreign Crew Changes and Prohibition of Cruise Ships calling at Sea Ports
7. Passenger Ships visiting South African Sea Ports
7A. Small craft to call at designated South African commercial ports
8. Repatriation of South African Seafarers
9. Evacuation
10. Transportation of Cargo
11. Implementation of a Reporting, Tracking, Tracing and Monitoring System at Sea Ports
12. Repeal
13. Short title and commencement
Form A : Request for Foreign Crew Changes
Directions : Management of Courts
Notice No. 254 of 2020
A. Purpose
B. General
C. Criminal Trials
D. Civil Trials
E. Applications
F. Appeals
G. Applications for Leave to Appeal
H. Judicial Case Flow Management
I. Conclusion
[Repealed] Directions on the Once-Off Movement of Persons and Transportation of Goods during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 513 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. The once-off movement of persons and transportation of goods
4. Public and private transport
5. Short title and commencement
Form 1 : Permit to Travel to another Province, Metropolitan Area or District for purposes of Relocation
Directions to assist Micro and Small Businesses Trading during COVID-19 Lockdown
Notice No. R. 522 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Scope
3. Directions
4. Applicable Permits/Business Licences Required
5. Small Scale Bakeries and Confectioneries
6. Small-scale Hardware Stores
7. Informal and Micro Restaurants and Shisanyamas
8. Tradesmen and/or Artisans Businesses
9. Sole Traders within the Clothing and Textiles Business
10. Cooperatives
11. Application for Business Licences or Trading Permits
12. Permits
13. Commencement
[Expired] Directions regarding the Sale of Clothing, Footwear and Bedding during Alert Level 4
Notice No. R. 523 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Clothing, footwear and bedding permissible for sale under Alert Level 4
4. Commencement and duration
[Repealed] Directions regarding Sale of Cars and Emergency Automobile Repairs during Alert Level 4
Notice No. R. 524 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Permitted trading activities
3. Emergency Automobile Repairs
4. Commencement
[Repealed] Directions to Permit Travel and Recommencement of Studies for final year medical students registered at South African public universities during the academic year 2020
Notice No.533 of 2020
Directions on the Once-off Movement of Persons and the Transportation of Goods for purposes of Relocation
Notice No. 534 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. The Once-Off Movement of Persons and Transportation of Goods
4. Public and Private Transport
5. Repeal and Transitional Provisions
6. Short title
Form 1 : Permit to Travel to another Province, Metropolitan Area or District for purposes of Relocation
Directions regarding e-Commerce Sales during Alert Level 4 of COVID-19
Notice No. R. 535 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Background
4. Goods which may be transacted through e-Commerce platforms
5. Protocols for e-Commerce retailers
6. Protocols for courier or delivery services
7. Protocols for customers
8. Commencement and duration
Annexure A : Directions in respect of Hygienic Workplace Conditions
Period of Application
Administrative Measures
Social Distancing Measures
Health and Safety Measures
Symptom Screening6
Sanitizers, Disinfectants and other Measures
Cloth Masks
Measures in respect of Workplaces to which Public have Access
Other PPE
Small Businesses
Worker Obligations
Monitoring and Enforcing the Directive
Sectoral Guidelines
Annexure B : Sectoral Guidelines Template
[Repealed] Directions relating to the Biodiversity Sector during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 537 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Extension of timeframes
5. Applications for and issuing of permits, registrations and certificates
6. Activities
7. Commencement and duration
Annexure 1
Annexure 2 : List of activities with associated restrictions which may be carried out during Alert Level 4
Annexure 3 : Permit to Perform Essential Services/Activities or Permitted Services/Activities for the Biodiversity Sector
[Repealed] Directions relating to Freshwater and Marine Fishing Sectors during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 538 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Prohibition of sports and recreational fishing activities
5. Extension of timeframes
[Repealed] Directions relating to the Recycling of Waste during Alert Level 4
Notice No. 539 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Directions related to formal recycling establishments of glass, paper, plastic, metal, tyres and other waste streams as contemplated in Annexure 3 and 4 of the Waste Information Regulations
5. Directions related to informal recyclers and waste pickers
6. Commencement and duration
Annexure 1 : General Waste Types
Annexure 2 : Hazardous Waste Types
[Deleted] Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots
Notice No. 608 of 2020
[Repealed] Directions relating to Norms and Standards for Religious Gatherings
Notice No. 609 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Phased re-opening of places of worship
4. Health and Safety measures at places of worship
5. Social distancing
6. Personal Protection
7. Sanitisers, disinfectants and other measures
8. Health Protocols for Places of worship
9. Commencement
[Repealed] Directions regarding the re-opening of schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education, all Provincial Education Departments, all Education District offices and all School
Notice No. 302 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Scope and application
4. Phased in return to school of learners, educators and officials
5. May/June examination
6. Issuing of permits and certificates
7. General safety measures at offices and schools for duration of state of disaster
8. Symptom screening
9. Sanitizers, disinfectants and masks
10. Social distancing and timetable models
11. Curriculum trimming and re-organisation
12. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Certificate for Learners attending School within their Metropolitan Area or District
Annexure B : Application for Deviation from Phased in Return to School
Directions for the Resumption of Construction and Related Services in Post School Education and Training Institutions
Notice No. 617 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of Directions
3. Scope
4. Purpose of Directions
[Repealed] Directions relating to All Courts, Court Precincts and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa during Alert Level 3
Notice No. 623 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Directives issued by Heads of Court
4 - 7. Restriction of services and access to a court room, court house or justice service point
8 - 17. Criminal cases and related matters
18. Use of Audio visual links in other matters
19. Interpreters
20 - 24. Resolution of disputes
25. Travel by officers of court
26 - 28. Safety measures at courts, court houses and justice service points during the period of the state of national disaster
29 - 30. Disinfection of court room, court house or justice service point
31. Exclusion
32. Commencement
Annexure : Permitted services under Alert Level 3
[Repealed] Consolidated COVID-19 Direction on Occupational Health and Safety measures in certain workplaces
Notice No. R. 639 of 2020
1 - 11. Preamble
12. Definitions
13 - 15. Application
16. Period of application
17 - 19. Plan for re-opening workplaces
20. Administrative measures
21 - 23. Social distancing measures
24 - 45. Health and safety measures
46. Small businesses
47. Worker obligations
48 - 56. Refusal to work due to exposure to COVID-19
57 - 59. Monitoring and enforcing the Direction
60 - 62. Sectoral protocols and guidelines
63. Changes to Annexure A
64. Commencement of this Direction
Annexure A : Department of Health Links
Annexure B : Sectoral Guidelines
Extension of a National State of Disaster COVID-19
Notice No. 646 of 2020
[Repealed] Directions relating to the Biodiversity Sector during Alert Level 3
Notice No. 647 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Extension of timeframes
5. Applications for and issuing of permits, registrations and certificates
6. Activities
7. Commencement and duration
Annexure 1 : Permitting and inspection services to be provided by issuing authorities i.t.o. the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act during Alert Level 3
[Repealed] Directions relating to Freshwater and Marine Fishing Sectors during Alert Level 3
Notice No. 648 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Directions pertaining to all fishing activities
5. Extension of timeframes
6. Commencement and duration
[Repealed] Directions relating to the Forestry Sector during Alert Level 3
Notice No. 649 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Activities
5. Commencement
Annexure 1 : Services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of the National Forests Act
[Repealed] Directions relating to National Environmental Management Permits and Licences during Alert Level 3
Notice No. 650 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Extension of timeframes
5. Applications and actions undertaken in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
6. Applications and actions undertaken in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act and the Waste Tyre Regulations
7. Applications and actions undertaken in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
8. Appeals contemplated in the National Appeal Regulations
9. Repeal of Directions
10. Commencement and duration
Annexure 1 : Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of the Waste Tyre Regulations
Annexure 2 : Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of the National Environmental Management Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
Annexure 3 : Services to be provided or obtained by proponent, applicants, environmental assessment practitioners (EAPs), specialists, professionals undertaking actions as part of the environmental authorisation process and organs of state as commenting a
Annexure 4 : Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of National Environmental Management: Waste Management Act (NEMWA)
Annexure 5 : Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of Part 8 of the National Environment Management: Waste Act (NEMWA)
Annexure 6 : Services to be provided or obtained by applicants, authorities, specialists and other professionals undertaking actions as part of processes in relation to atmospheric emission licenses (AELs) as contemplated in the National Environmental Man
Annexure 7 : Services to be provided or obtained by applicants, authorities, specialists and other professionals as part of processes in relation to atmospheric emission licenses (AELs) as contemplated in the National Environmental Management: Air Quality
Annexure 8 : Appeal services to be provided by appeal authorities in terms of National Environmental Management Act and the National Appeal Regulations
Directions on Zero-rating of Content and Websites for Education and Health
Notice No. 651 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Zero-rating criteria for Basic Education sector
4. Zero-rating criteria for Higher Education and Training sector
5. Zero-rating criteria for Health sector
6. Further control measures for zero-rating websites
7. Commencement
Annexure A : Zero-rating Application Form
Annexure B : Process flow for Zero-rating of Websites
Directions for Criteria to return to Public University and Private Higher Education Institution Campuses as part of a Risk-adjusted strategy for a phased-in return from Level 3
Notice No. 652 of 2020
1. Background and Principles
2. Return to campuses for contact classes
3. Return to Residences (on-campus, HEI4 managed/leased off campus, and private residences)
4. Risk adjusted strategy for the return of students to campuses/delivery sites for teaching and learning
Annexure A : Programmes requiring clinical training for phased-in return under Level 4 and 3
Directions relating to the Protocols for the Permitted Personal Care Services
Notice No. R. 696 of 2020
1. Objectives of the Protocols
2. Scope
3. Protocols
4. Contact details in the event of the abovementioned sector wishing to clarify the issue of protocols
5. Commencement
Directions relating to the Supply of Energy and Petroleum Products and Maintenance and Construction Work for Energy Projects
Notice No. 697 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
Annexure : List of Functionaries
[Withdrawn] Directions in all Correctional Centres and Remand Detention Facilities for Alert Levels 3, 4 and 5
Notice No. 698 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of directions
3. Safety and general measures for duration of national state of disaster
4. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers during Alert Levels 3, 4 and 5
5. Amenities, consultations and visits during Alert Levels 3, 4 and 5
6. Remand detainees
7. Withdrawal and transitional provisions
8. Duration and commencement
[Withdrawn] Directions regarding the re-opening of schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education and Provincial Departments of Education and in all schools in the Republic of South
Notice No. 343 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Scope and application
4. Entry to school premises
5. Phased return of learners and officials to school
5A. School break and arrangements after break
5B. Dates for reopening of schools for 2021 academic year
6. School attendance
6A. Administering application for exemption
6B. Registration status of learner and marking of attendance register
7. Application for deviation from phased return of learners and officials to school
8. Learners with special education needs
9. Opening of hostels
10. May/June and November/December examinations
11. Issuing of permits and certificates
12. General safety measures at schools, hostels and offices for duration of national state of disaster
13. Symptom screening
14. Sanitizers, disinfectants and masks
15. Social distancing and timetable models
15A. Health, Safety and Hygiene Protocols for Marking and Assessments
16. Curriculum trimming and re-organisation
17. Annual financial statements
18. Withdrawal of directions
19. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Notification of Deviation from Phased return to School
Annexure B : Intended timetable per Grade for the Phased return to School
Annexure C1 : Declaration confirming compliance of Public School
Annexure C2 : Declaration confirming Compliance of Independent School
Annexure D : Notification of Opening of Hostel(s)
Annexure D1 : Declaration confirming Compliance of Public School Hostel(s)
Annexure D2 : Declaration confirming Compliance of Independent School Hostel(s)
Annexure E1 : Application for Exemption of Learner to attend school
Annexure E2 : Parent Acceptance Form: to adhere to conditions for exemption from compulsory school attendance
Directions for reopening of institutions offering qualifications registered on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) as part of a risk-adjusted strategy for a phased-in return of skills development activities
Notice No. 355 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Background and principles
3. Scope
4. Key factors to consider
5. Institutional readiness and preparation
6. Return to the institution for contact classes
7. Risk-adjusted strategy for the return of learners to the institution
8. Risk-Adjusted Strategy : Alert Level 4
9. Risk-Adjusted Strategy : Alert Level 3
10. Risk-Adjusted Strategy : Alert Level 2
11. Risk-Adjusted Strategy : Alert Level 1
12. Learner Orientation
13. Trade Test Centre or Assessment Centre Specific Measures
14. Short title
Directions on risk adjusted strategy for Tourism facilities, services and products to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19
Notice No. 356 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Objectives of the Directions
3. Withdrawal
4. Directions on Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces
5. Directions for Restaurants, Fast Food Outlets and Coffee Shops
6. Directions for Hotels, Lodges, Bed and Breakfast, Time Share Facilities and Resorts and Guest Houses
7. Directions for Conference and Meeting Venues
8. Directions for Casinos
9. Directions for Private Self Drive Excursions
10. Directions for Guided Tour Operators
11. Directions for Weddings, Exhibitions and Function Venues
12. Directions for Places of Attraction
13. Certificate of Occupancy
14. Commencement
[Repealed] Directions regarding the phased return of children to Early Childhood Development Programmes and Partial Care Facilities
Notice No. 762 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Objects
3. Scope and application
4. Reopening of early childhood development programmes or partial care facilities
5. Conditions for return of children to early childhood development programme or partial care facility
6. Programme specific conditions for reopening of early childhood development programme or partial care facility
7. Prohibited activities
8. Screening
9. Sanitisers, hand washing, disinfectants and masks
10. Social distancing in an early childhood development programme or partial care facility
11. Adjustment to and implementation of early learning curriculum and learning programme
12. Issuing of permits and certificates for movement of staff and children
13. General safety measures at early childhood development programme or partial care facility for duration of national state of disaster
14. Subsidisation of early childhood development centres
15. Commencement
Annexure A : Form 1 : Self-Assessment Form
Annexure B : Form 2 : Certificate for Child to travel to another Province or Metropolitan Area or District Area
Annexure C : Form 3 : Application
Annexure D : Form 4 : Verification and Monitoring
Annexure E : Form 5 : Declaration
Further Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 765 of 2020
Revocation of the Classification of Drought as a National Disaster
Notice No. 767 of 2020
Directions from the Department of Health to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19
Notice No. 796 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Recruitment and Training of Human Resources
3. Deployment of Human Resources
4. Sourcing of Human Resources from the Expanded Public Works Programme, Retired Health Professionals, unemployed health professionals or graduates, Community Based Organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations to render services in identified sites
5. Provision of Health Equipment, Sanitation Materials and Medical Supplies
6. Disposal of waste and sanitation of equipment from quarantine or treatment facility
7. Identification and establishment of mortuaries that will accommodate all COVID-19 mortal remains
8. Handling of COVID-19 mortal remains: General
9. Handling of COVID-19 mortal remains in mortuaries or at funeral undertakers
10. Measures when a person passes on at home
11. Conveyance of COVID-19 mortal remains
12. Prohibition of viewing and storage of COVID-19 body at home
13. Hygiene requirements for mortuary premises: COVID-19 remains
14. Disposal of COVID-19 mortal remains: Burial or cremation
15. Disposal of COVID-19 Mortal Remains
16. Persons exiting the Republic
17. Persons entering the Republic
18. Cost of Quarantine for Persons Entering the Republic
19. Criteria for self-quarantine and self-isolation for persons inside the Republic
20. [Deleted] Quarantine of aircraft crew: International travel
21. Designation of quarantine facilities
21A. A symptomatic person
21B. An asymptomatic person
21C. Repeat testing
22. Medical evacuation through air or land points of entry
23. Cargo and crew vessels
24. [Deleted] Fishing vessels
25. Maritime safety precautions
26. Medical evacuations from vessels
27. Local air travel
28. Cross Border Truck Operators
29. Control Measures for Public places
30. Extension of registration for manufacturers or suppliers of fortification mixes
31. Withdrawal and Transitional measures
32. Commencement
Form AC1 : Notification of Transportation of a Patient/Sick Passenger per Aircraft/Vessels/Vehicle to South Africa (AC1)
Form AC2 : Notification of Symptoms of Patient/Sick Passenger transported per Vessels/Vehicle/Aircraft to South Africa (AC2)
[Withdrawn] Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the Public Transport Services, 2020
Notice No. 801 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of Directions
5. Provisions of improved access, hygiene and disinfection control at public transport facilities
6. Provision of improved access, hygiene and disinfection control in public transport vehicles
7. Public transport services, private vehicles and loading capacity of public transport vehicles
8. Validity period for public transport operating licences and accreditation certificates for tourist transport services
9. Transportation of liquor
10. Enforcement of Directions
11. Withdrawal of directions
12. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] Directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to National Environmental Management Permits and Licences
Notice No. 970 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Extension of timeframes
5. Commencement and duration
Directions regarding Auctions and Sales in Execution conducted by Sheriffs of the Court
Notice No. R. 816 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Conditions for conduct of sales in execution
5. Commencement
Directions relating to Spatial Planning, Land Use Management and Land Development Processes
Notice No. 431 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Extension of timeframes
5. Validity period
6. Consideration of Land Development Applications and Appeals
7. Commencement
Directions regarding the Criteria to Guide the Determination of Alert Levels
Notice No. R. 867 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Criteria for the determination of Alert Levels
3. Role of the Ministerial Advisory Committee
4. Commencement
Direction Extending COVID-19 TERS Benefits for certain Categories of Employees
Notice No. R. 878 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Incorporation of Directive for certain categories of employer and employee
3. Application for benefits
4. Commencement and duration
Extension of a National State of Disaster - COVID-19
Notice No. 889 of 2020
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. 891 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Directions for Alert Level 2 to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all correctional centres and remand detention facilities in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 967 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of directions
3. Safety and general measures for duration of national state of disaster
4. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
5. Amenities, consultations and visits
6. Remand detainees
7. Short title and commencement
[Withdrawn] Direction Extending COVID-19 TERS Benefits for certain Categories of Employee
Notice No. R. 968 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Incorporation of Directive for certain categories of employer and employee
3. Application for benefits
4. Commencement and duration
Directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all Courts, Court Houses and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 992 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Limited Services
4. Directions issued by Head of Court
5. Restriction of access to a court room, court house or justice service point
6. Postponement of criminal cases and related matters
7. Measures to reduce case backlogs
8. Use of Audiovisual links in judicial proceedings
9. Interpreters
10. Resolution of disputes
11. Safety measures at courts, court houses and justice service points during the period of the state of national disaster
12. Disinfection of court room, court house or justice service point
13. Exclusion
14. Commencement
Annexure : Limited Services under Alert Level 2 (Direction 3)
Directions regarding measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 i.t.o. the return of children to ECD programmes, in Partial Care Facilities, Old Age Homes and Frail Care Facilities
Notice No. 993 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Objects
3. Scope and application
4. Reopening of ECD programmes or partial care facilities
5. Conditions for return of children to ECD programme or partial care facility
6. Screening
7. Sanitisers, hand washing, disinfectants and masks
8. Social distancing in an ECD programme or partial care facility
9. Adjustment to and implementation of early learning curriculum and learning programme
10. General safety measures at ECD programme or partial care facility for duration of national state of disaster
11. Old Age Homes and Frail Care Facilities
12. Movement of children between co-holders of parental responsibilities and rights
13. Community Nutritional Centres
14. Withdrawal of Directions
15. Commencement
Annexure A : Declaration confirming compliance of an Early Childhood Development Programme or Partial Care Facility
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 995 of 2020
Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots - Alert Level 1
Notice No. 998 of 2020
Mandating of a Short Code for the National Emergency Services
Notice No. 512 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Consolidated Directions on Occupational Health and Safety measures in certain workplaces
Notice No. R. 1031 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Risk assessment and plans for protective measures
4. Administrative measures
5. Social distancing measures
6. Symptom screening
7. Sanitizers, disinfectants and washing of hands
8. Cloth masks
9. Measures in respect of workplaces to which public has access
10. Ventilation
11. Specific personal protective equipment
12. Small businesses
13. Worker obligations
14. Refusal to work due to exposure to COVID-19
15. No deduction from employee's remuneration
16. Monitoring and enforcing Directions
17. Sectoral protocols and guidelines
18. Amendment of footnotes Annexure A
19. Withdrawal of Directions
20. Commencement of Directions
Annexure A : Department of Employment and Labour Links
Annexure B : Sectoral Guidelines
Annexure C : List of Contact Details for Provincial Inspectorates
[Withdrawn] Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in Cross-Border Road Transport, 2020 - Alert Level 1
Notice No. 1034 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of Directions
5. Cross-border road transport services
6. Provision of improved access to hygiene and disinfection control at cross-border public transport facilities
7. Embarkation of cross-border road transport vehicles
8. Short title and commencement
Norms and Standards for Religious Gatherings - Alert Level 1
Notice No. 1052 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Limitations at places of worship
4. Health and Safety measures at places of worship
5. Social distancing
6. Personal Protection
7. Health Protocols for Places of worship
8. Withdrawal of Directions issued in terms of regulation 37(1)(a) of the Regulations
9. Commencement
Directions: National framework for tuition and accommodation fees for academic year 2020 in the public higher education institutions
Notice No. 1057 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Background
3. Purpose
4. Application
5. Directions
[Repealed] Directions regarding measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 relating to Biodiversity Auctions
Notice No. 1064 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Directions
5. Commencement and duration
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 1090 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Directions for Alert Level 1: measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all correctional centres and remand detention facilities in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 1197 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of directions
3. Safety and general measures for duration of national state of disaster
4. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
5. Amenities, consultations and visits
6. Remand detainees
7. Short title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 1225 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots
Notice No. 1291 of 2020
Explanatory Note on Regulations issued 3 December 2020 in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) (The Act)
Notice No. 1292 of 2020
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 1341 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots
Notice No. 1345 of 2020
Publication of the Eastern Cape Provincial Disaster Risk Management Policy Framework
Notice No. 1422 of 2020
[Withdrawn] Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots
Notice No. R. 1424 of 2020
Classification of a Local Disaster in terms of Section 23 of the Disaster Management Act (Act No. 57 of 2002): Fire in Masiphumelele Informal Settlement
Notice No. 7 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 15 of 2021
[Withdrawn] Directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all correctional centres and remand detention facilities in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 54 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application of directions
3. Safety and general measures for duration of national state of disaster
Alert Level 1
4. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
5. Amenities, consultations and visits
6. Remand detainees
Alert Level 2
7. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
8. Amenities, consultations and visits
9. Remand detainees
Adjusted Alert Level 3, Alert Level 4 and Alert Level 5
10. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
11. Amenities, consultations and visits
12. Remand detainees
Areas declared as Hotspots regardless of Alert Level
13. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
14. Amenities, consultations and visits
15. Remand detainees
16. Withdrawal and transitional provisions
17. Short title and commencement
Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the Public Transport Services for adjusted Alert Level 3
Notice No. 59 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority of directions
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Provision of improved access to hygiene control and disinfection at public transport facilities
6. Provision of improved access to hygiene control and disinfection in public transport facilities
7. Public transport services, private vehicles and loading capacity of public transport vehicles
8. Validity period for public transport operating licences and accreditation certificates for tourist transport services
9. Transportation of liquor
10. Enforcement of directions
11. Withdrawal of directions
12. Short title and commencement
Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in Cross-Border Road Transport Services for adjusted Alert Level 3
Notice No. 61 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority of directions
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Cross-border road transport services
6. Provision of improved access to hygiene, disinfection control at cross-border public transport facilities
7. Embarkation of passengers of cross-border public transport vehicles
8. Withdrawal of directions
9. Short title and commencement
Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in Railway Operations for Adjusted Alert Level 3
Notice No. 62 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Development of COVID-19 management plan
6. Health and awareness campaigns
7. Procedures at hand-over points, loading points and terminals depots
8. Provision of access to hygiene, screening equipment and disinfection control at stations, terminals and hand-over facilities
9. Prohibition of overcrowding and overloading of trains
10. Reporting to Railway Safety Regulator and relevant authorities
11. Oversight responsibilities of Railway Safety Regulator
12. Long distance travel by rail services
13. Rail services not engaging in long distance travel
14. Declaration of essential services in respect of railway operations
15. Withdrawal of directions
16. Short title and commencement
Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the Air Services for Adjusted Alert Level 1
Notice No. 63 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Provision of access to hygiene and disinfection control at airports designated as Ports of Entry
6. International and domestic flights
7. General aviation
7A. Aviation Training Organisations and Aviation Security Training Organisations
8. Airports and airlines
9. Compliance with measures for prevention of spread of COVID-19
10. Air Cargo
11. Oversight responsibilities of South African Civil Aviation Authority
12. Responsibilities of Airports Company South Africa
13. Responsibilities of Air Traffic and Navigation Services
14. Enforcement of directions
15. Withdrawal of directions
16. Short title and commencement
Directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all Courts, Court Precincts and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa under Adjusted Alert Level 3
Notice No. R. 73 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Directives issued by Heads of Court
4. Restriction of services and access to court room, court house or justice service point
5. Criminal cases and related matters
6. Interpreters
7. Resolution of disputes
8. Safety measures at a court room, court house and justice service point during the period of the national state of disaster
9. Disinfection of court room, court house or justice service point
10. Exclusion
11. Repeal
12. Commencement
Annexure : Services under Adjusted Alert Level 3
Directions on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 at Sea Ports for Adjusted Alert Level 1
Notice No. 79 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority of directions
3. Purpose of directions
4. Application of directions
5. Provision of improved access to hygiene and sterilisation control on ships, sea ports and in licensed port operations
6. Commercial sea ports, foreign crew changes, passenger vessels on international voyages calling at sea ports
7. Passenger vessels visiting South African sea port
8. Small craft to call at designated South African commercial ports
9. Medical evacuation
10. Transportation of cargo
11. Implementation of reporting, tracking, tracing and monitoring system at sea ports
12. Withdrawal of directions
13. Short title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 86 of 2021
[Withdrawn] Directions regarding the reopening of schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education, and Provincial Departments of Education, and all schools in the Republic of South A
Notice No. 42 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Scope and application
4. Entry into school premises
5. Opening of schools for academic year
5A. Return of learners to primary schools and schools for learners with special education needs
6. School attendance
7. Administering application for exemption
8. Registration status of learner and marking of attendance register
9. Learners with special educational needs
10. Opening of hostels
11. Sport and extracurricular activities
12. Issuing of permits
13. General safety measures at schools, hostels and offices for duration of COVID-19 pandemic
14. Symptom screening
15. Sanitizers, disinfectants and masks
15A. Health, Safety and hygiene protocols for marking and assessments
16. Social distancing and timetable models
17. Curriculum trimming and reorganisation
18. Withdrawal of directions
19. Short title and commencement
Annexure A1 : Application for Exemption of Learner from School Attendance
Annexure A2 : Parent Acceptance Form: to adhere to conditions for exemption from compulsory school attendance
Annexure B : Notification of Opening of Hostel(s)
Annexure B1 : Declaration confirming Compliance of Public School Hostel(s)
Annexure B2 : Declaration confirming Compliance of Independent School Hostel(s)
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 151 of 2021
[Substituted] COVID-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (C19 TERS) Direction, 2021
Notice No. R. 167 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Incorporation of Directive for certain categories of employer and employee
3. Reduced work time benefits
4. Application for benefits
5. Commencement and duration
Annexure A
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 193 of 2021
Directions on a National Framework and Criteria for the management of the 2021 Academic Year in Public and Private Higher Education Institutions
Notice No. 277 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Background and principles
3. Social solidarity
4. Institutional Plans
5. Campus health and safety
6. Student Accommodation and Residences
7. Psychosocial assistance for staff and students
8. Graduation ceremonies and other events
9. International Students and International Travel
10. PSET Vaccination
[Withdrawn] Directions on taxi relief fund to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the taxi industry, 2021
Notice No. 290 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of Directions
5. Part A: Qualification
6. Part B: Conditions
7. Part C: Transitional Arrangements for Taxi Formalisation
8. Part D: Time Table
9. Cut-off date for dispensation
10. Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and the National Empowerment Fund (NEF)
11. Short Title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 333 of 2021
COVID-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (C19 TERS) Direction, 2021
Notice No. R. 342 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Incorporation of Directive for certain categories of employer and employee
3. Reduced work time benefits
4. Application for benefits
5. Commencement and duration
Annexure A
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 424 of 2021
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 476 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 493 of 2021
Consolidated Directions on Occupational Health and Safety measures in certain workplaces
Notice No. R. 499 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Risk assessment and plans for protective measures
4. Administrative measures
5. Social distancing measures
6. Symptom screening
7. Sanitisers, disinfectants and washing of hands
8. Cloth masks
9. Measures in respect of workplaces to which public has access
10. Ventilation
11. Specific personal protective equipment
12. Small businesses
13. Worker obligations
14. Refusal to work due to exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus infection
15. No deduction from employee's remuneration
16. Monitoring and enforcing Directions
17. Sectoral protocols and guidelines
18. Amendment of footnotes Annexures A and C
19. Withdrawal of Directions
20. Commencement of Direction
Annexure A : Department of Employment and Labour Links
Annexure B : Sectoral Guidelines
Annexure C : Guidelines if an Employer makes Vaccination mandatory
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 529 of 2021
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 564 of 2021
Adjusted Level 4 Directions for older persons’ residential facilities and Community Nutrition Development Centres
Notice No. 608 of 2021
1. Application
2. Community Nutrition and Development Centres (CNDCs)
3. Visits to older persons' residential facilities
4. Short title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 611 of 2021
Directives issued in terms of Regulation 6(5) of the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19
Notice No. 615 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Directives
3. Commencement
Directions in the Schedule to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all courts, court houses and justice service points in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 632 of 2021
1. Definitions
2 - 3. Application
4. Directives issued by Heads of Court
5 - 7. Restriction of services and access to court room, court house or justice service point
8 - 13. Criminal cases and related matters
14. Use of Audiovisual links in other matters
15 - 17. Compilation of priority and separate rolls
18 - 22. Special measures in respect of cases arising from public violence or public disorder
23. Interpreters
24 - 28. Resolution of disputes
29 - 31. Safety measures at courts, court houses and justice service points during the period of the state of disaster
32. Sanitisation of equipment and surfaces
33 - 36. Disinfection of court room, court house or justice service point
37. Exclusion
38. Commencement
COVID-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (C19 TERS) Direction, 2021
Notice No. R. 637 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Incorporation of Directive for certain categories of employer and employee
3. Application for benefits
4. Reduced work time benefits
5. Commencement and duration
Annexure A
Annexure B
Directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all correctional centres and remand detention facilities in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 647 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application of directions
3. Safety and general measures for duration of period of national state of disaster
Alert Level 1
4. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
5. Amenities, consultations and visits
6. Remand detainees
Alert Level 2
7. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
8. Amenities, consultations and visits
9. Remand detainees
Adjusted Alert Level 3, Adjusted Alert Level 4 and Alert Level 5
10. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
11. Amenities, consultations and visits
12. Remand detainees
Restrictions for areas declared as hotspots, regardless of Alert Level
13. Restrictions regarding placement, movement and release of inmates, parolees and probationers
14. Amenities, consultations and visits
15. Remand detainees
16. Withdrawal and transitional provisions
17. Short title and commencement
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 650 of 2021
Adjusted Alert Level 3 Directions
Notice No. R. 681 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application for social grant
3. Social Relief of Distress Grant
4. Reconsideration of application for Social Relief of Distress Grant
5. Consent for verification
6. Duration of receipt of COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant
6A. Caregiver
7. Review of payment of Social Relief of Distress Grant
8. Disbursement of payments
9. Reconsideration process
10. Recovery and uncollected benefits
11. Social Relief of Distress Grant paid up to 30 April 2021
12. Death of Social Relief of Distress Grant beneficiary
13. Community Nutrition Development Centres
14. Older person's residential facilities
15. Short title and Commencement
Erratum Notice - Adjusted Alert Level 3 Directions
Notice No. 710 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 733 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. 867 of 2021
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 868 of 2021
Determination of Alert Level
Notice No. R. 959 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1031 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1501 of 2021
Directions on Taxi Relief Fund towards the impact of COVID-19 in the taxi industry, 2021
Notice No. 1567 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Authority
3. Purpose of Directions
4. Application of Directions
5. Qualification for the Taxi Relief Fund
6. Cut-off date for dispensation
7. The National Empowerment Fund
8. Withdrawal of the Directions
9. Short Title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1598 of 2021
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1672 of 2022
Directions regarding the full time return of learners to schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education, and Provincial Departments of Education, and all schools in the Republic of
Notice No. 806 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Scope and application
4. Entry to school premises
5. Return of all learners to daily attendance and traditional time tabling model
6. Learners with special educational needs
7. School hostels
8. Sport and extracurricular activities
9. General safety measures at schools, school hostels and offices for duration of the national state of disaster
10. Management of Symptoms
11. Sanitizers, disinfectants and masks
12. Learning Recovery
13. Withdrawal of directions
14. Short title and commencement
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1758 of 2022
Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1875 of 2022
Directions on the establishment of a COVID-19 Vaccine Injury No-Fault Compensation Scheme issued in terms of the Act
Notice No. 1987 of 2022
Chapter l : Interpretation
1. Definitions
2. Background and principles
Chapter ll : Administration of Scheme
3. Administration
4. Financial management and oversight
5. Functionaries of the scheme
Chapter lll : Compensation for Vaccine Injury
6. Eligibility
7. Applicable vaccines
8. Types of vaccine injuries compensated
9. Official vaccination sites
10. Duration of injury and period of applicable vaccinations
11. Period in respect of which claims may be instituted
Chapter IV : Claims for Compensation
12. Procedure for reporting an alleged adverse event
13. Causality assessment
14. Procedure for lodging a claim
15. Quantum assessment
16. Appeals
17. Disclosure of information
Chapter V : Compensation
18. Quantum and Structure of Compensation
Schedule 1 : Applicable Vaccines
Schedule 2 : Official Vaccination Facilities
Schedule 3 : AEFI Reporting Options
Schedule 4 : Claim Form
Schedule 5 : Appeal Form
Schedule 6 : Compensation Table
Termination of the National State of Disaster (COVID-19)
Notice No. R. 1988 of 2022
Revocation of the classification of the COVID-19 Pandemic as a national disaster
Notice No. R. 1992 of 2022
Board Notices
Directions regarding Livestock Auctions
Board Notice 85 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Directions
5. Inspections
6. Commencement and duration
Code of Practice
Managing Exposure to SARS-COV-2 in the Workplace, 2022
Notice No. R. 1876 of 2022
Chapter 1 - Introductory Provisions
1. Introduction
2. Purpose of this Code
3. Interpretation
4. Application
Chapter 2 - Risk Assessment and Plan
5. Risk assessment and plan
6. Contents of risk assessment and plan
Chapter 3 - Administrative measures
7. Notification of workers
8. Symptom reporting by workers
9. Isolation of workers
10. Ventilation
11. Specific personal protective equipment
12. Vaccination of employees
13. Small businesses
14. Worker obligations
15. Refusal to work
16. No deduction from employee's remuneration
17. Monitoring and enforcing this Code
18. Limited application to mines, mining areas and works
19. Amendment of footnotes
Commencement of the Disaster Management Amendment Act, 2015
Proclamation No. 24 of 2016
Establishment of the Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management in Terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 Of 2002)
Proclamation No. R. 61 of 2016
Classification of National Disaster: Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Notice No. 3019 of 2023
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