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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions regarding the re-opening of schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education, all Provincial Education Departments, all Education District offices and all Schools in the Republic of South Africa

10. Social distancing and timetable models


(1) Every office and school must comply with the social distancing requirement of at least 1.5 meters, as prescribed in the Regulations.


(2) In order to ensure compliance with health, safety, and social distancing requirements, school facilities must operate at 50% or less of their capacity at any given time.


(3) Subject to subdirection (4), schools may consider and apply any of following available timetable models suitable for their context and functionality:
(a) Daily and weekly rotation;
(b) bi-weekly rotation;
(c) platooning or shifts;
(d) traditional and daily; or
(e) a hybrid of the latter.


(4) Schools with large enough facilities to comply with health, safety, and social distancing requirements—
(a) are exempted from subdirection (2); and
(b) do not have to change their traditional and daily timetable models, and may continue to operate in accordance with those timetable models:

Provided that they continue to ensure compliance with the minimum health, safety, and social distancing measures and requirements on COVID-19 as set out in the Directions and the Regulations.

[Direction (4) substituted by section 4(a) of Notice No. 304, GG43381, dated 1 June 2020]


(5) [Direction (5) deleted by section 4(b) of Notice No. 304, GG43381, dated 1 June 2020]


(6) [Direction (6) deleted by section 4(b) of Notice No. 304, GG43381, dated 1 June 2020]