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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)NoticesDirections for reopening of institutions offering qualifications registered on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) as part of a risk-adjusted strategy for a phased-in return of skills development activities13. Trade Test Centre or Assessment Centre Specific Measures |
13.1 | No candidate will be allowed in the Trade Test Centre or Assessment Centre without the required PPE. |
13.2 | EISA and Trade Tests will continue to be conducted as per the Trade Test Regulations whilst ensuring the minimum physical/social distancing of 1.5m between individuals (candidates/assessor) is adhered to at all times as per the Disaster Management Act. |
13.3 | TTCs and Assessment Centres must continue sending Trade Test Schedules the same way they have been doing before the implementation of the lockdown. |
13.4 | Additional effort and measures must be in place to ensure that shared equipment and tools are cleaned/sanitized between each task and at the end of each day. |
13.5 | Assessors, Moderators and staff should also wear applicable PPE to further protect themselves and others as they might need to get closer to a candidate during a trade test or assessment. |
13.6 | All Trade Test Centres and Assessment Centres may be required to submit regular reports on COVID-19 to the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) and/or the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) as and when required. |
13.7 | Due to the travel restriction, during specific alert levels, all Trade Test Centres and Assessment Centres are expected to conduct internal Moderations as per QCTO and NAMB criteria and guidelines. |
13.8 | Specific trade test related guidelines on trade test areas and equipment usage, may be issued by NAMB. |