R 385
Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)RegulationsSevere Electricity Supply ConstraintRegulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Act - Severe Electricity Supply Constraint2. Objects |
The objects of these Regulations are to assist, protect and provide relief to the public; to protect property; to prevent and combat disruption; and to deal with the destructive nature and other effects of the disaster by—
(a) | minimising the impact of load shedding on livelihoods, the economy, policing functions, national security, security services, education services, health services, water services, food security, communications and municipal services, amongst others; |
(b) | reducing and managing the impact of load shedding on service delivery to support lifesaving and specified essential infrastructure; |
(c) | providing measures to enable the connection of new generation of electricity; and |
(d) | providing measures to improve Eskom's plant performance. |